
Dec 21, 2008 04:00

I really do not know what pushed me to create a Live Journal account. I do not have an interesting life, I'm not the best blogger, and I never had interest in blogging before. I am, writing my first blog on my newly made Live 4 in the morning.
Let's see, a few optimistic views would that this will help my writing, it will improve my blogging skills and I'll be able to express myself (to complete strangers, none-the-less).
Anyways, let's start with something small...

I've been home from college for about a week and a half now and have circa two weeks left until I start up again. It's been such a relief being able to sleep in my own room, and do absolutely NOTHING. Wow, what a life, right? Heh, wrong. A couple of days ago I found myself with a slightly irritated throat.
"Irritate, irritate, irritate you I shall"
"Why, oh why, mister throat?"
Well, as you have imagined, it got worse, and now I lay here with a fever. Perhaps that is why I decided to blog? Ugh, I don't know. I've been wanting to do a bunch of crazy things lately. I told myself that I would start writing a story...which hasn't happened. I told myself I would start on a new drawing...also did not happen.
I told myself I would post a video on my youtube account...nope. Practice piano? Read a new book?
No, no, negative.
I haven't done any of the above...I've just laid around and watched older Pokemon episodes.
I've actually woken up around three for the past week or so.
I think that I'll have to start sleeping more...hmm.
Well, I guess I could start that now, it is 4:10 in the morning.
My goal is to wake up at noon tomorrow, throw a few hours back into my day ;)
Anyways, I guess that's it, I'll end it here and stop boring whoever happens to chance upon this blog.

Take care,


college, livejournal, pokemon, blogging

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