Nov 01, 2014 12:35
Even though payday is the first, I don't get paid until Monday, because today's Saturday. But since Saturday is budget day, I went ahead and updated my budget, and set up some scheduled payments for once I actually have money in my account.
When I went online to my credit card account, I got really confused - they were telling me that my line of credit was half-again as much as it should be, even though I have a huge balance right now (plane tickets for Christmas...ugh). That's weird...did they raise my limit without telling me??
...then I started working on the stack of mail that's been on my desk for weeks, and found the letter informing me that my credit limit was being raised. Sweet!
Also, I should probably stop being lazy and go through my mail more often. But it's because I get so much junk mail, I don't want to make the effort to sort it. Seriously, I should have registered as an Independent, 90% of the crap I get is political mailings; I didn't have this problem in Kansas.
In other news, I finally made an appointment to get my hair cut next week!