Aug 04, 2014 08:35
I'm the first one in the lab this morning - that's a first! When you work with 10+ people, one of whom has a habit of getting in by 6am, that is not an easy achievement. I got to use my keys for the first time. Exciting. At my last lab, if I got there at 930 I was sure to be first; and those couple of months when I was jobless and had nowhere to be during the day, my natural circadian rhythm had me staying up til 3 or 4am, and then sleeping in until 10 or 11. Adjusting to a literal 8 to 5 has not been easy.
I do like being up early (8am is early, shut up). Once I'm actually up, I'm fine; it's the getting up that I don't like. The waking up, realizing that it's morning even though it's still dark, the kittens are curled up at my feet, I'm thinking about everything that I have to do that day while another part of my brain decides that it won't hurt to get another ten minutes' sleep, and do I really have to go for a run?
...I still didn't quite make it up early enough to go run, but I did decide that as long as I can get in the shower by 7, I'll be able to make it to the lab by 8. That's one excuse ("oh I can't run, I might be late to the job that doesn't have a set start time") to scratch off my list! Get up at 6, get out the door by 615 - plenty of time.
Anyway, the drive in was gorgeous, and made me wish that I gotten up for a run with my camera - the ocean was smooth and glassy, early morning fishers silhouetted in the bright golden glow of the just-risen sun reflecting off the pretty. Maybe this evening I'll post some old pictures from that one time I actually did get up for a sunrise run (one of those pics is my laptop wallpaper - it's supposed to be inspiring, but so far it hasn't worked).
...One of my co-workers just arrived. Instead of "Good morning" she said, "Do you know much about stats?" *headdesk* Stats. What a terrible start to a Monday.