
Sep 28, 2008 02:45

You know, I read my flist at least, what... twice a day? And I never bother to write in here anymore! And I think it's getting pretty pathetic that I start out each entry that way.

I've been thinking I really should restart keeping a journal, though... Not sure if it's this one or a real honest-to-God paper journal yet but I kinda miss it in a weird sorta way. Maybe it's just that I suddenly have the time to. Or maybe it's that I finally have things worth WRITING about again that aren't totally lame and/or depressing...

Ever get the feeling that your entire life is just one huge pre-planned script? I've known for quite some time now that pretty much all of the conversation I make with non-best-friends these days are borderline computerized output. You know... What do you plan on doing after school? "Well, I want to do a, b or c." Where do you work? "Well I'm a crazy fool and have about 29 jobs blah blah blah..." but what is remarkable is that EVERY TIME I answer these questions, it's almost word-for-word. It gets to the point though that I almost nauseate myself on the inside, haha... I often think about the fact that sometimes I have given the exact same speech to someone who's across the room and can hear me at the moment and I wonder if they've realized that they've heard this soliloquy before... (although I suppose since I am, in fact, addressing an audience, that term doesn't quite fit, hahaha)

So yeah. First real job interview of my LIFE on Monday! And it was kind of a fluke... I was talking with Dr. Howland at the NYC Poison Control Center earlier this month about getting more information about possibly pursuing a career in that field and she told me I should call the director. She also mentioned that they might even be able to hire me before I graduate, but I was kinda like, yeah, ok...

So since I had the time and all of my attention to devote to such a phone call this week, now that I have off from rotations for a bit, I gave the director a call... Not too far into the conversation, she was just like, lemme tell you what - why don't you just come in for an interview and I'll tell you ALL about it!! And I was like uhhhh kay?? haha... Didn't totally see that one coming, because I was looking for information about a job down the line... But now I'm all excited and wondering what exactly they'd have me doing at this point (and honestly if I'd be of much help -- I'm still feeling like I don't know ANYTHING!)

But this would be fantastic in so many ways, if I play my cards right... First of all, hel-LO government employee benefits! Also, I know a lot of people in the field have a night job so I was thinking maybe I could float in Westchester for a chain and make some extra cash on the side and not totally lose out on my pharmaceutical dispensing skills... (Caroline thinks I'm nuts for that... She's like - you really need to cherish your youth and free time while you have it! And i'm like... I don't do that NOW! I can't sit still for very long doing nothing at all - I'm kinda going nuts right now as it is, having off from school!)

I also wonder where that leaves me in terms of living arrangements... I was really thinking about moving back to Westchester because I HATE being on an island where you have to pay at LEAST 10 bucks for a round trip off of it... But if I'd be commuting into Manhattan every day anyway, would that make me change my mind? (Probably not but it's still something to think about...) And also, there's still the whole question of whether or not I should do a residency... Dr. Howland said it wasn't NECESSARY but that one in drug info may be useful... Problem with that is that it's a specialized rotation, so I'd have to take a PGY1 general residency first... And I don't know if I really want to commit myself to 2 years of extra schooling, especially when I have to make that decision really soon, as the showcase is in December and I'd have to make all of the arrangements to go down to Florida for that... And that would screw up my living situation even MORE as I'd probably end up out of state cuz the NY programs SUCK for the most part... *sigh* Pretty much, I'll just see what she says on Monday before I take that next step but I honestly don't think she'll care enough for me to have one. For god's sake they're trying to hire me before I have a degree!

Dammit... I still hate that I've been in college for 6 years and I don't even have a DEGREE.

And then there's other, more personal issues that I don't even want to get into right now... *ugh*

I really need to call the school and figure out why they haven't approved my PLUS loan yet. Ha. I was gonna do that about 3 weeks ago...

Anyway, Eagle Eye is a really good movie - hahah I suggest you see it! I'm not even one for action movies most of the time but this one actually held my attention and the plot line, while very democratically biased, was interesting...

WHY AM I SO AWAKE AT THREE AM!?! Considering I usually go to bed at 10... Jamie just stuck her head in to ask much of the same question a few minutes ago, hahaha... Oh wells... Guess I'll go read all of the fun new books I have now!! :0D
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