I know it has been 9 months since I last made a post. I have one that I started about general life stuff, but it's set private until I finish it. Meanwhile, an update on the Furnet saga ('cause it's pretty funny)...
I have been connected to Furnet on alternate hostmasks since they banned me (the ban is described
in my previous post) - mostly idle, but occasionally chatting in a channel or two. It has been regular chatter; nothing to write home about, really. I had also occasionally logged into the "Simba" nickname, just to keep it from expiring. It was one of those cool, remaining nicknames that had been transitioned through services upgrades and things so much that the creation date somehow got set to "Jan 1, 1970".
Today, while idle for quite some time, I notice someone's quit message was: "User has been banned from FurNet (Bye Bye again Simba)". This came as a surprise to me since I was still connected. The admins are so paranoid and overzealous that they ended up banning someone else because they thought it was me. It just so happens that he has an account on my server and uses it to stay connected even when he's not at a computer.
Just for curiosity sake, I do a quick /nickserv info Simba all, and get this message back: -NickServ(services@irc.furnet.org)- Nick simba may not be registered or used.
They've removed "Simba" from NickServ and forbidden anyone from using it. HILARIOUS, considering how many "Simba"s there are in this subculture. :p
Then, I get a message on AnthroChat from
yappyfox, asking what I did on FurNet to piss them off again, 'cause he was also banned. The best part is that the answer to his question was "absolutely nothing!" They just suddenly got a bug up their ass and started issuing ridiculous, paranoid bans.
As the conversation went on a little while in #Fursuit, Locobunny mentioned that he had logged into to an old account he had on another one of my servers in the same hosting facility. When he tried loading up IRC, his old scripts had him connecting to FurNet. He was banned as well. I'm not sure if his connection from my server somehow triggered the Furnet admins' enthusiasm or what since Yappy, scar, and I have all been connected from the same hostmasks for 9 months after my last run-in with them.
Yappy also wrote about it on his LJ. Edit: Post has since been removed, but I have
a copy of it here.
I just find this all very amusing. The best part is that in their enthusiasm, they managed to take out three, other users while my session remains intact. When Yappy confronted them about it, he was told to basically "Shove off. You know Simba, therefore you are guilty by association." Guilty of "what" is anyone's guess!
Totally lolling over here.
I did manage to recover my
Furnet Situation page. Maybe they're fired up about that or something.
... oh, and I updated the
WikiFur entry on AnthroChat, detailing why
AnthroChat came to be.