Zenith TV for my room.

Jul 06, 2012 22:15

A year or two ago I was given a 1962, 23 inch Zenith TV during a radio deal and it has basically been collecting dust since then. I dragged it out a week ago and decided to revive the old set once again and finally replace the few rather weak tubes it needed to operate better. Of course it helps that I have a spare CRT salvaged from another set I used to have, a Zenith Space command that the cabinet collapsed on. Now that I have all the weak tubes replaced, the TV plays fairly well and I have been watching betamax tapes of the Three Stooges on it off and on. Soon I hope to place the set down here in my bedroom and use it to watch shows on Direct TV, like the old black and white movies and such. Zenith still had a very nice, hand wired chassis design, not the circuit boards everyone else went to that crumbled! In fact, this whole set is metal!
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