Jan 04, 2004 16:07
Yesterday, when I washed my car, I took the time to really scrub the bottom of the frame, under the doors and stuff. I had about a month's worth of Georgia Red Clay all around the bottom, and a lot of bugs and stuff on the front. I didn't realize it then, but I had a mini-workout, doing tons of squats as I scrubbed the bottom, and scrubbed off the mud, bugs and tar. Most people would leave most of the tiny spots that were left, but I went back, and took care of them all -- healthy does of Bug and Tar Remover were used.
When I was 15, I got my first car. A 1990 Ford Festivia. I loved that little car, and I impressed the heck out of my dad, by washing it and detailing it every week. The only thing was, no matter how much I scrubbed the bottom, it would still stay dirty. Now I'm anal about the bottom -- espically since Elly is white.
Anyway, I digress, but with all of that squatting up and down, my thighs hurt.
In the oven sits a five/six pound whole chciken that I am roasting for dinner. I will hopefully master my mother-in-law's dressing to go along with it. I am also making this wonderful cranberry sauce that I discovered at Christmas dinner. Maybe some green beans to go along with it.
WeatherBug tells me it's 76 degrees, but after being in the kitchen for an hour making cornbread for the dressing,a nd then prepping the chicken, I say it's hotter than that inside this house.
Oh yeah, the cranberry sauce is so easy, wanna see how easy it is. Okay:
-- take one can of whole canberry sauce put in bowl
-- drain one can of madrin oranges and add to bowl.
-- stir to mix
Easy peasy. You can also add chopped (massacured as I did them for Christmas dinner) walnuts or pecans.
I woke up this morning to have the hubster tell me that Brit Brit got married. Hmm, I take news like that with a grain of salt.
The hubster watched X-Men 2 out in the living room earlier this afternoon. Trying to find something to do to fill the time slot, I came in the compter room,a nd sat and watched Dirty Dancing on the computer's DVD player.
I guess having it came in handy. I've been questioning why I got one on my computer. What do you use your DVD rom for anyway? Please note, it's a DVD ROM, not a DVD-R. Although I am thinking about chenging mine out for a DVD-R, but what would I use it for?