The Glass Legacy 2.1

May 20, 2008 22:18

LAST TIME: Nathan got a make over and became and accidental grilled cheese sim. Him and Tessa got a buttload of promotions. Then Nathan got fired because I'm amazing with chance cards. He got his job back however. Tessa was pregnant, had Riley, got pregnant again, and had twins (Damien and Bella). All three of them grew into toddlers.

Everyone! Meet attention deprived Riley!

Lol... okay.

Um... alright?

Okay, now what's going on??

Damien: Mommy, mommy! LOVE ME.

Tessa: Why do you keep bothering me?

All of a sudden I heard my pretty little Bella crying!

And I assumed it was because of this attention hog! (Bella asks for attention too... just not as much as the annoying devil child Damien.)

So I had Tessa do this. ^-^

Oh, you're just a little shit aren't you?

Take a guess as to which I like better.

Bella: Gud potty!
Damien: *Evil giggle*


I felt Riley was being left out a bit because of the twins so here he is punching the crack bunny.

Damien: HEHEHE! You can't punish me cause I'm not real! *Splash splash*.

Remember how he got fired from that other chance card? This is the same one. I just chose the OTHER option.


For whatever reason the kids are just OBSESSED with that bunny! Probably because it's filled with crack makes funny noises!

The birthday jiggles!

Cute. Not going to say he didn't dissapoint me a LITTLE bit... but he's cute. I miss those eye brows. =[

He got his mom's nose though. Like my brother, it doesn't look too great on a grown-up guy though.

I love you for this table, Maxis.

D: Just ONCE I wish for the founder or sim!child that could catch butterflies the first time and bake the perfect muffin a few sim!hours into childhood.

Riley has this weird obsession for cleaning things. He has FIVE neat points.


Okay, no really. I'd love to be in on the joke here.

Oh you are such a traitor, Riley. BE MORE LIKE YOUR FATHER.

Promotion. (Now um... I'm seriously thinking all these promotion pictures are getting annoying. Let me know and I'll chill with it.)

WTF RILEY. She didn't do ANYTHING to you! Kinda...


I'm kind of biased with the nanny honestly. She does an alright job.

Hehe. *Does secret thumbs up to Bella*.


I'm not totally sure how this worked out... because they only had $300 at the time.

Aw! He even dropped the plate he was cleaning up for him!

This is really cute. And TOTALLY not cliche at all.

Well I mean... it's only cute when Riley can toss a ball without trying to take out his dad's.

Lol, Nathan.

Right before the twins birthday they start acting... twinny. First to Tessa and now to Nathan.

Thnk u vry mch!

Oh shush, Riley. You end up with straight A's for the rest of your elementary and high(school) days. Cause there is no pre-teen stage with Maxis.

WHAT DID I TELL YOU?! (Thanks again, Maxis!)



Oh wow. Way to ruin it Bella. Or I should probably say Damien. He'd do this on purpose. He likes pissing me off.

Here is my prettyful Bella!

And here is the little shit. He's cute. But looks can be deceiving.

Oh and he is also like his daddy. I didn't take any pictures but Nathan is obsessed with the easel. (Nathan is to easel as Bella is to chess board.)

*Sigh*... really Tessa? She's not blinking either.

So Riley had all these wants for a pet. (You know... adopt puppy/kitten, adopt puppy, adopt kitten). So I get this pretty kitty named Peeker. (If you know where I got that name from you are amazing). It's a she.

I find the kittens in this game adorable. I just wish they could do more.


Ohhh nooo... please don't take the chaair... NO REALLY. Poor Bella.


Riley was really excited to see his grade.


The girls get their own room.

Another way Damien has pissed me off? He refuses to have his fun bar raised so by the time I can get it high enough and him doing his homework the bus is about to come. And he is SO close to finishing it so I'm like "Hurry hurry!". I make him stop but HE GETS OFF THE CHAIR TOO SLOW. And misses the bus. When his parents aren't home. It gives me that pop up "It no gud when childs b ALONE" and I'm scared to death that they are going to take him. He calls the Nanny in time though. BTW: It takes him until that night till he can finish his homework when it is 2% from finished.

And THEN this is where I start getting really pissed off. Things start breaking.

(And later, the toilet.)

MORE PISSED OFF. (Again I didn't take pictures but I was having one of the kids watch T.V and this bitch kept walking up and turning it off!! I eventually deleted her off the lot.)

Of course Nathan knew how to cheer me up. With that face and a promotion!

Damien and Riley are fucking bed jumpers. I agree, Tessa.

I got this pop up like FIVE TIMES. DAMIEN IS EVIL. HE IS EVIL. 666. *Blows up*.

OH COME ON. He wasn't even red! I'm telling you... Damien's REAL daddy Satan is going to make me strangle some one.

I felt bad for a moment before I realized that Tessa didn't have any Charisma points to begin with and that it really didn't matter anyways because she didn't need them.

Riley and Bella are talented and contribute to the family! Damien contributes to the things that piss me off.

Oh she is the first pretty townie walk by I've seen! (Behind the scenes I've been killing off pre-spawned townies =p).

I have Riley greet her for him or Damien. (I'm still not sure out of the three who should be heir).

Peeker grows up! Into an odd looking cat who is NOT ORANGE, MAXIS.

Has there ever been a cat who DIDN'T think it was royalty?

Again I have to thank the game creators for giving the pets the ability to pay for itself.

Finicky promotion.

Yay, Riley! You cook the only good muffin you ever have at the best time!

Yep! ^-^

Not going to say he didn't disappoint me. =/




I like how both his kids get more than he does with these little things. I'm excluding Damien because I don't think he's his kid. =p



You guys know how Freetime allows you to age up your sim!kid's friends with them? Well this is the pretty townie child. She is now a pretty townie teen. =] I believe her name is Ally.



I'm not quite sure how to caption this...

Fuelin' up with that teenage angst, huh Bella? Hormones got you down? I understand. BELIEVE ME, I DO.
(Lol at Ally and Riley.)

But seriously. Chill. Stop transmitting your mom's crazy. Oh and that red arrow is pointing to Damien. You'll understand in a moment.

I was impatient and annoyed with Bella's bitching so I had all three kids call college to go ahead and get the hell out. So I never gave her or the anti-Christ a makeover. Therefore, no pictures!

I only got the pictures of Bella because I felt like it.

We'll leave you with the Prince.

I WAS going to leave you with make over pictures of the kids in college but Damien being the spawn of Satan and all has decided to screw up the picture I took of Riley. So instead I got him, his sister, and the side of his face. He is no longer a little shit. He is an asshole.
I am really conflicted with who I should have as heir but after looking back on the shit Damien put me through and the fact that he has his dad's (Nathan. The Devil had to make it more convincing.) hook nose it probably won't be him. I have a favoritism for Bella... because I mean... she's gorgeous! But Riley is good too and he already has a possible spouse! I'll play through college and see what happens.
Also Riley=Knowledge, Damien=Popularity (Because the anti-christ needs friends to get to a high power to take over the world), and Bella=Pleasure.

Thanks for reading! And sorry for the cursing. =]


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