When we last left off, Isabella had been born, grew up to be a fug child. Ashlie cheated on George with Ravioli and birthed out twins Kareem and Antoinetta.
The Legacy er... shack house? Expansion for Issy to have a bedroom. Two bathrooms waHOO! :D
Ashlie and George rarely autonomously cared for the babies. More often than not, I was forcing them to.
Sadly, the nanny took better care of the twins than Ashlie and George did...
Mommy-Child interactions slay me.
Ashlie Imma unna eatchoo!
George: Do you fancy my nose... the size of a yacht?
<.< Cruise ship is more like it.
I gave Issy a bit of a make-over but it didn't help much. Anyway. Family picture. I like these types of things. :3
Yes... well...
Even the nanny fails, too. :/
She picked Nettie up at least!
Yeah. You saw it. You can stop blinking and clearing your eyes - the nanny is caring for the babies!
Her hollow face scares me...
Okay... so... she didn't seem to see the green cloud wafting round Nettie. Erm... she at least... picked her up?
So the nanny wasn't much better than George and Ashlie. Notice who got stuck cleaning up? Yeah. Poor Issy. Just cos you're fug doesn't make you a servant.
Nanny: Yes, yes. She looks right cozy there. Hrm... what are those green fumes... Ohhh! My shows are on!
At least she doesn't whip the diaper off in the kitchen.
Mmm, doesn't that taste yummy? Diaper infused burgers.
Thus begins an addiction.
For the record, both George and Ashlie attained jobs in the Video Game career track. They leveled fairly similarly, too, for a while.
<.< I kind of played favorites.
BUT I HAD SUCH A SOFT SPOT FOR HIM! Nettie, bless her, was kind of forgotten.
....Issy became the invisible child.
George failed as a father.
Issy brought this kid home. Was probably the last time we ever saw him, too.
And HURRAH! Birthday time! I aged her up as soon as she could.
Ashlie: Please attain some cute. Pleeease?
Issy: The sparklies tickle!
...and... yeah...
The cheeks shaped up a bit... but... yeah. :/
Not as awkward looking any more. But she's still not too favorable. Let's see how these others do, shall we?
Erm... what are you doing to Nettie, Issy? HOLD THE BABY RIGHT!
Anyway, I'm a cheapskate so I decided not to buy the babies cakes.
Issy sets straight to work taking care of babies helping around the family.
Up first, Nettie!
Nettie: -POOF-!
An explosion of toddler!
...for some reason... Kareem got a cake.
Kareem: -s'plode-!
Issy finally got a make over and hey! She's not so bad with those bangs. Kind of squishy-faced but post-make over she actually looked rather pretty.
Kareem s'ploded into that hair and I won't lie - I absolutely adore the mittens. They always make me coo. :3
Post-make over Nettie. Large, pouty-lips, but she's cute!
Just to prove that she also has the cute, mittened toddler clothes. :D
Burgaler: -sneak sneak sneak-
A burglar has snuck out of the house, stolen something, and what's George doing?
Bitching about being tired.
Yeah? Well. You can suck it, George.
Oh. NOW he freaks out.
And the police arrive! Will justice prevail?
It was cheap and lame, but I worked hard for that crappy car!
I mean... Ashlie and George did...
A scuffle! A fight!
Will the police prevail?
I don't have the photo but uh... No. The police man had one too many donuts and got his butt kicked by the burglar-woman. -sigh-
Even the babies were awoken.
Actually, Nettie is getting ready to scream. <.<
Somewhere along the lines, George got fat.
And the twins reached their birthday! Yaaay!
Don't look so enthused there, Georgie. <.<
Nettie: Geez. Do they have to watch? Right then. Tally HO!
Nettie: -sproing-!
Straight for the cake.
She's rather cute! Her lips are really pouty and that I'm not a fan of. But she grew into the hair. She's really cute!
No one pays Kareem attention as he goes to leave that joyous land of dribble and diapies.
Kareem: Will the Nanny-monster finally leave? :s
Nettie You can do it!
Kareem I think I want that cake...
And he aged up. And got the cake.
I found him ridiculously cute. But also, as a child, ridiculously annoying. The kid RUNS. EVERYWHERE HE GOES. Have to pee? RUN! Three steps into the kitchen? RUN! Jump on the bed? RUUUUUN THROUGH THE HOUSE AND JUMP ON THE BED!
And there you have it. The first Legacy Fire.
Had by none other than George the Fail himself.
George Maybe if I stand here, the flames will go away!
Hopefully they'll consume you.
With two new children, I had to expand the house further. The blue room you can barely see back there is Kareem's, the red one Nettie's.
Nettie thinks she's hot stuff.
Sibling best friends are cute!
Kareem looks all happy and all to have a best friend.
Kareem :D :D :D
A better photo of him, off to school. All excited for school.
...wait till you get the homework!
Issy finally got new clothes. :D
And she indulged in the addiction that had engulfed her mom. NOT YOU TOO, ISSY!
It's too late.
Nettie The rain's came down and the flood's came up!
Kareem Not the raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain!
School drained his fun like crazy and NO HE WOULDN'T DO HIS HOMEWORK THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
They're inside?
I don't know... Nettie turned out to be kind of... weird.
No really.
What give Nettie? The rain is OUTside. You are clearly INside.
She also is easily excited. HAI THAR HYPER!
Kareem, too, succumbed to the Power of the Xbox (cos that's what they have :D)
Something in this picture is not right...
Not!Daddy beat Nettie and she was rather distraught by this.
Video games began a family gathering. If someone was playing, the others were watching.
Nettie and Mommy became friends and spent quality time together.
And then Ashlie and George kissed.
The Twins -weep weep sob sob-
Ahhh... the value of Family Time. These are the moments they'll grow to treasure.
Kareem Do you think Mommy likes balls?
Issy Not the kind you're thinking about!
Kareem Do you like school?
Issy I consider it a prison of my youth.
Nettie YAAAY time for prison!
Kareem You're such a nerd.
Nettie You're such a stupid loser.
Kareem gets his kicks jumping on his parents' bed.
As if he doesn't have one of his own for that.
Issy turned out to be really useful. More so than the do-nothing Nanny who hung out on the xBox like everyone else.
Oh god, who dressed that poor kid? >.< How did you find him, Nettie?
It's you weirdness, isn't it?
Weird kids attract weird kids. (Oh how I know.)
To show off that... ~fabulous~ outfit.
They were meant for friendship, I fear.
And then Kareem stole him.
Nettie -glare- You won't keep him! I'll get him back! I KNOW WHERE YOU SLEEP!
The nanny made them snacks!
Issy wanted to meet someone new and he was passing by.
I actually grew a soft spot for her. Her looks have grown on me. :]
After school family activities? How cute?
And we leave off with Ashlie's completed Self-Portrait.