Jul 22, 2008 08:43

Secrets are late - AGAIN.

People throughout the community wonder the hell is going on, and start to whine and complain and in general kick up a fuss, myself included.

Over at MATY, Rohina tells Plum to get off her ass and post the secrets, wherein Plum replies: Not my turn, bb, but I already read them all, hur.

Later, trying to be ~funny~, Plum says in the MATY secret thread that there were no secrets this week, which failed miserably.

Next, lauriethemuppet, spurred on by several community members, creates a new community called sim_sekritz. I pimp it everywhere.

Then, without warning or notice, plumsims REMOVES all the current mods of simsecret. They are, understandably, not happy about this.

Plum then trots back over to MATY and says, Yeah, whatevs, I’ll post after dinner.

Over in a sim_spam post, the former mods of the community tell us what REALLY went on behind the scenes in the mod community, and why they are so pissed.

Plum then comes over to
sim_sekritz and says that instead of fixing the current community, you’re creating your own, eh?

Then, apparently fed up with the whole mess, Plum hands over the entire community to lauriethemuppet and makes a post about it in her community here.

similly makes a thread saying, Waah! You guys are all so MEEEN to poor Plum! A couple of people agree with her, but the majority is silent.

haughtysims makes a thread about it here, wherein the old mods pretty much tell Plum what they think about her and her community and LOL quite heartily.

Oh, and people said stuff over at Garden of Shadows, but they’re all a bunch of nice hippies. :P

If I missed anything, let me know and I'll add it. This shit was all OVER the place!

secrets, say what now?, butthurt

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