MATY thinks we're spies! Oh, and chickenshit rubberneckers!

Jul 15, 2008 13:13

I posted this as a comment in the previous thread, but because I thought it was lulzy, I'm going to make a separate thread about it.

MATY realizes that we've made a wank community. Good on them! Assmitten notes that "there is a whole LJ community devoted in large part to mining wank here."

My response to this, as noted in a comment here is as follows:

It's so funny that they think this community is all about mining MATY wank. Or MOAR FIGHT, or whatever the fuck. Truth be told, I happen to think that MATY wank is the most boring out there! It all involves shitloads of backstory that nobody knows (or cares) anything about. They have to rehash shit that's years and years old for some reason.

Anyway, for all you MATYers reading this, naughtydolphin and I created this community as a lark based off of a conversation we had on a locked post in my own journal. We simply wanted a place where we could post LJ links, because you can't in sim_rants. The point was not to ask nameless_cricke to "spy" but to just let us know if anything happened over there that constituted drama at which any of us might be interested in looking. THAT'S ALL. I personally think that S2C and simsecret have far more entertaining drama than you guys do. nameless_cricke is a friend and she was just trying to help out so don't give her a hard time. Just...get over yourselves, guys, you are not the entirety of the Simming community. Plus, the community is only a week or two old - hence the majority of MATY stuff at this time. Give it time, the community will get its legs. :)

Also, for bonus lulz, check out Rohina's comment here, where she informs us that reading threads and not participating in them is "chickenshit." NO READING THREADS ALLOWED - NOT UNLESS YOU PARTICIPATE. Otherwise you're just rubbernecking, understand? And that's a chickenshit sport.

rampant stupidity, say what now?, maty, butthurt

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