GoS has been taken offline. Why? Someone at TSR wrote to their server, GoDaddy, and told them that GoS was redistributing copyrighted content. As per their procedures, GoDaddy has taken the site down for now. This kind of sucks for everyone at GoS, and yet again shows that those at TSR really have their heads firmly up their asses
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Speculation time: I was thinking that a contributing factor over why to bother raising a stink now maybe because T$R sank so much effort into switching over to TS3, which seems to be losing some steam (those who love it, love it, but those who were just testing it out seem to be dropping off, to me.) After taking a "fuck TS2 and on with the future!" stance, they probably didn't expect that the TS2 stuff was still going to be popular for this long. Now that the TS3 content isn't pulling in quite the same numbers (or just not what they'd anticipated) and there's still a hefty audience for TS2 content, it's scramble time to make sure they're bleeding it for every cent they can, and renewing efforts to make sure they're the only source of the files.
Or it really did take their 'intelligence' this long to notice the off-site file sharing. I can see either argument.
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