Mar 31, 2009 17:55

Well the BBS has actually further updated their sticky post

Hi SimmersRead more... )

paysites are evil, tsr

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faedreamer March 31 2009, 22:24:34 UTC
I don't particularly care about all the drama. What will decide it for me, whether or not to buy TS3, is going to be when it comes out whether CC will be able to be created by everyone who chooses and also whether they give us a TS2 option for aging. If one or both of those things do not happen, I won't be buying.

EA can get in bed with whomever they like and I don't care, what I care about is whether they're going to hog all the toys. So far it appears TSR is going to have the monopoly on CC. But until it's for sure, I'm not making a decision.


faedreamer March 31 2009, 23:15:00 UTC
How is it drama when TSR is hacking into people's accounts, changing stuff and selling Paypal info?

As for the CC creation bit, from what I've gathered it's going to be a free for all, but you know that TSR is going to try to be the top dog.

You should care about who EA gets into bed with. EA has been known to do more bad than good for fans when it comes to who they deal with that isn't actually affiliated with the company.


faedreamer March 31 2009, 23:22:49 UTC
It simply doesn't affect me, hence it doesn't factor into my decision. The same way Securom thus far hasn't affected me and so it doesn't factor into my decision either.

TSR has no information on me, as I've never used their services for anything, nor ever registered with them. Who EA gets in bed with in the fandom doesn't affect me because I am only here to play the game. Unless their affiliations begin to affect the way I play the game, it has no bearing on my decision to buy or not buy their products.


qualanqui April 1 2009, 00:34:45 UTC
WELL SAID. And exactly how I feel, as well.


blakesim April 1 2009, 01:25:59 UTC
That's like not wearing a condom because AIDS/HIV hasn't directly affected your family or close friends. It hasn't affected you or many people you know, so why bother? Why care to wear a condom (or, in this wank case, feel somewhat enraged towards EA/TSR for letting this happen) when no one else around you has an STD or AIDS/HIV? Makes sense to me.

As it is, their affiliations might affect the way you play:

And now I wish I used tinyurl. :(


faedreamer April 1 2009, 01:32:26 UTC
*snerk* Seriously? Yeah, I totally get the correlation between not caring about Sims 2 wank and not caring if I get Aids. Way to make sense there...oh, wait. :/

I looked at your link and all I see is BBS sheeple posting theories with no facts and no source. WHEN the facts become available, then I'll make my decision. IF TSR is going to be the sole cc makers for TS3 then and only then will I make my decision.

See, I have this thing about wanting facts and not wanky rumors and theories to influence my decisions on how I spend my money. Not a popular practice, I know.


blakesim April 1 2009, 01:43:53 UTC
1. It was an analogy, get past the basic aids=/=wank theory.

2. Yes my link was shoddy but I doubt that the OP made up some shit and decided to post about it, when I find a link I'll surely show you.


sims_gone April 1 2009, 01:31:31 UTC
So...someone committing crimes against your fellow players is fine as long as you, personally, are safe? It's your right to do as you like, but wow.

"They eat babies?...Well it's not like they're MY babies...and I do like that shiny content!"


faedreamer April 1 2009, 01:35:50 UTC
Oh for fuck's sake. I don't support TSR, did you not pay attention to where I said I never registered with them nor used their services? Their content is shitty but what they do has no affect on me. I have more important things to worry about than whether Thomas deleted a few files that ended up not even being lost. So no, I don't really care that some chick got a few files deleted that were then promptly restored exactly as they'd been. Why would I possibly care about that?


blakesim April 1 2009, 01:40:49 UTC
Uh, because it was done in secrecy, then tried to be covered up with a 'oh OUR server went down too!' theory, and then when people actually talked about it to EA, they shoved the whole problem under the rug like it was nothing. Do you not see the problem with underhandedly going about violating a user's privacy, stealing passwords, and then having your fuckbuddy say it was off-topic when it clearly wasn't? Most of us do, just because you haven't registered with TSR doesn't mean that you shouldn't give a damn.


faedreamer April 1 2009, 01:45:49 UTC
Perhaps if I were more involved in the community aspect of the fandom, I would care. Perhaps. As it is, as I said, I am here to play the game and until their affiliation begins to affect the way I play, the wank doesn't factor in.

If it turns out TSR is he monpoly holder on CC for TS3, then I won't buy the game. Simple as that. Their affiliation will then have affected my gameplay style and I will respond by no longer giving them my money. It's not exactly the end of the world.


paleoanthrop April 1 2009, 02:01:33 UTC
Because of basic moral principles. Sometimes you take a stand against something even when you are not directly affected.


faedreamer April 1 2009, 02:03:58 UTC
I take stands against global warming. I take stands against the decimation of gay rights. I take stands against people who talk in the theatre.

I do not take stands over a video game. Y'all really need to get out more. There's a whole world that isn't pixelated, ya know? Why so serious?


arelenriel April 1 2009, 02:20:41 UTC
It is not just an issue of a video game- TSR participates in unethical business practices such as intellectual property theft (Buggybooz creation was an idea she came up with- EA might have provided some of the tools or the game she created for but the idea was hers), privacy violations (like a hacker would only hack the FA's accounts when there was much more financially fertile ground in the subscriber account area re: TSR"s so called security breach) and false advertising- all of which are explicitly in violation of the BBBO' (Better Business Bureau Online) Code of Consumer Rights Online ( ... )


faedreamer April 1 2009, 02:30:44 UTC
Oh believe me, I know all about intellectual property theft. I'm not sure where anyone got the idea I was somehow a TSR supporter when I've repeatedly stated I have nothing to do with them and never have ( ... )


arelenriel April 1 2009, 02:43:04 UTC
Delphy is investigating where all of the IP addresses of the people on the site at the time Boogybooz profile was hacked and her stuff deleted- I am assuming that he will take legal action on Mod the Sims and Buggybooz behalf depending on what he finds out. Charges can't be pursued in terms of the video game content but, hacking is illegal and if he can trace any of the ip addresses from the site where they were purchased to a credit card number associated with a TSR FA, SA, Admin, Exec etc (and TSR is that stupid) he can go after then for hacking his server and destroying content on that server with malicious intent. Frankly I hope Delphy does find his evidence because this creates chaos and disunity in a community of people who should be united in their love of creating custom content and playing a game. It makes the game not fun anymore and makes me really not want Sims 3


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