Prompts Post: Quotes

Apr 18, 2014 17:29


Prompts will be posted 3 times a week and there will be two prompts per post. Fridays will be quotes. I will try to have a good mix of stuff that is both old and new. If you have suggestions please feel free to post them here.

1. You may write for as many prompts as you are inspired to. You can also do other projects - photoshoots, playlists, whatever you like, as long as it relates back to your sims or someone else's sims.

2. Post your prompt response directly to the community.
a. If the content of your response is R/NC-17 rated, for any reason, please post it to your LJ account and link to it in the post to the community, with the rating and why it is rated that way. Basically, if you wouldn’t post it to the Exchange, don’t post it directly in your post to the community.

3. Be respectful of other writers when responding to their posts. Helpful criticism is okay; insults and flames are not.

4. Please use the following format for a header for your prompt response:
Prompt(s) Used:

5. Put the body of your prompt response behind a cut. If you do not know how to do a LJ cut here's a handy guide.


1. “In order to have wisdom we must have ignorance.”Theodore Dreiser
2. “Not everyone comes back out of the dark.” Doctor Who


Happy Writing!

friday: quotes, prompt pool

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