Weekly Prompts (2/25/13)

Feb 25, 2013 13:29

~ Please put the prompt you are responding to in the subject line of your comment

~ LJ has a character limit of 4300 characters, so any responses longer than that must be linked to from your own account

~ Please do not post anything R/NC-17 rated in your comments. The rule is that if you wouldn't post it on the Exchange, you shouldn't post it directly here. You may provide a link to your response in a comment, with the rating and why it is rated that way.

~ Be respectful of your fellow writers when replying to their posts. Constructive criticism is allowed; rudeness and flames are not.


Lyrics - "Come and take a walk on the wild side//Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain" ("Born to Die", Lana Del Rey)

Quotes - "It's good to be scared sometimes - it keeps me on my toes." (Ellen MacArthur)

Key Words/Short Phrases - One night stand

Situations - Preparing for a funeral

Game Features - Catching fireflies


Enjoy and happy writing!

Keep in mind, these are all the prompts for the entire week, and we are now keeping an ongoing prompt pool instead of monthly submissions post.

weekly prompts

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