Welcome SimStoCreMo participants and non-participating onlookers! I was asked to give this year’s first Pep Talk today, so here I am in all my peppy-talky glory! Because that’s what I’m known for, after all. The purple hair is just a footnote.*
Now I’m sitting here wondering what in the great blue sea I’m supposed to actually PEP TALK about. I mean, I like to claim I have perseverance and gumption no one else processes, and I desire nothing more than to enlighten the masses with my brilliance. Honestly, though, I’m in the same boat with the rest of you right now. So what can I possibly bring to the table that will encourage my fellow travelers to be more productive?
But then I hear some of you say, “Fuzzy! It’s a full week into this CreMo thing and I don’t have anything done yet!”
And WHY don’t you have anything done yet?
“Well, I’ve got exams and wor-“ NO, you don’t have anything done yet because you lack motivation!
“Actually, I just haven’t had the ti-“ MOTIVATION!
Okay, so let’s talk about motivation.
This is one of those things that is going to be a little bit different for everyone. It’s the reason behind your decision to set a goal in the first place and the fuel that keeps you moving towards that goal. We each find our own motivation in personally unique forms. You, for example, might be one of those people who are motivated by simply having a Due Date looming over you. But that doesn’t work for everyone. Especially myself, because I have this uncanny way of forgetting what day it is much less what week, month or year it is half the time. . .
Maybe you signed up for CreMo this year on a whim (hey, all the awesome people were doing it) and now you lack the motivation to complete your goals on time. This is when you need to figure out exactly WHAT motivates you and get it working for you!
Let’s explore this further in a brief slide show presentation containing examples of motivational type stuff. . .
(If you do not have your browser set to automatically open links in a new tab, then "right click" the image below and select "open in new tab" or whatever it says for the browser you are using.)
(or if GoogleDocs isn't working for you, here's the
Slideshare version)
So then what is your personal motivation for participating in SimStoCreMo this year? To simply set yourself a goal and then see it realized? To improve your own creative process through a shared objective? To be better than everyone else and win ALL THE THINGS?
Now is the time to say “hey, that’s my motivation, right there!” and seize it. Write it down and put it where you’ll see it when you first wake up every morning. Circle the 31st on your calendar and start making weekly progress reports online. But most importantly. . .
Tell us when you are not feeling the motivation and we’ll do our best to get it going again. We are in this together. We are the Fellowship of the Ring, the Rebel Alliance, and those space marines who are out to punch a hole in the alien queen’s carapace! We are traveling this road together and there’s still a big ol’ bunch of 24 days left for goal-finishing. You can do it! MOTIVATION.
*I currently use Splat brand in "Lusty Lavender". Because I'm worth it.