This entry is for SimStoCreMo sign-ups ONLY. Comment with any questions in the rules post, found
If you want to participate, comment to this post with your user name and the specific goal you have for the month of March. You may change your goal at any time up until February 29th.
See you in March!
Comments 19
Goal: At the moment, I'm going to say at least one prologue and one chapter. This may or may not be updated before the end of February, depending on what I get done in terms of prep work this month.
Goal: To write the next chapter of the Bradfords (Chapter 25), and to write one drabble a week, unrelated to the chapter.
I am not including the BACC in this at all. Only the three projects that I am dragging my feet on.
Goal: Get the first real chapter written and staged and published! (I'm under the assumption I'll have the prologue done, or nearly so, by the first.) Slide count is not definite at the moment, but it will weigh in around 100.
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