Feb 18, 2012 23:06
Lovely Sims story writers, I am happy to announce that it's time to sign up for Sim Story Creating Month 2012!
The event will mostly run the same way it did last year. This year, it begins on March 1st (at 12am in your timezone) and ends March 31st (at 11:59pm in your timezone), much the way NaNoWriMo, the event it was based on, does. Here are the few simple ground rules we came up with:
1. State your goal ahead of time. You must have a goal going into the month. Include what it is when you sign up, see below for details.
2. There is no minimum goal, but please choose yours judiciously. The poll showed everyone about 50-50 on whether to have a minimum goal or not, so we have decided not to institute one. However, we do recommend a goal of at least 50 captioned slides or an appropriate equivalent, meaning that you would shoot fifty slides and write them up during the month. You may choose to focus solely on shooting or writing, and that's fine too. We just want to encourage you all to challenge yourselves a bit instead of taking the easy route.
3. Work done prior to March 1st does not count toward the month's goal. You may not start your project before March 1st. You may do prep work necessary to get to your starting point, but that prep does not count toward accomplishing your goal.
4. Goals must be achieved before April 1st to count for a win. I'm sure this is more than possible for all of us, and even if you don't make it, you'll still have more than you started with at the beginning of the month, which is why we're hosting this! So just dive in and do your best. :D
Any questions? Go ahead and leave a comment. :) DO NOT sign up in this post, though, there will be a separate one for that with instructions on how to do so.
Sign-ups begin today, February 19th, and run through February 29th. So spread the word!
We're really looking forward to creating stories with you all!
~Marina, Rose, Cait, and De
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sim story creating month 2012