Happy December, everyone!
As a reminder:
1) We could really use some more prompts for December, so if a couple people could take the time and post a few to the
submissions post, we'd really appreciate it.
2) Myshuno! is just about over! I will post one more reminder closer to the date, but the deadline for blackout is January 1, 2012, at 11:59pm in your timezone. We've already had two people claim blackout, which is amazing, and I'm hoping to see a bunch more.
3) So, 2011 is just about over, and the mods and I have begun thinking about our events for next year. Namely, CreMo, which was such a huge success last year that we're going to do it again! Therefore, it's time to vote on which month to hold it! We have eliminated January as a possibility, but we're thinking about doing it in March rather than February (it's longer, and a lot of universities will have Spring Break then).
Let us know which month you'd prefer, and feel free to elaborate in the comments if you'd like!