Chat Post - Week 1

Feb 02, 2011 02:04

Hello, lovely CreMos!

On this marvelous first (second?) day of SimStoCreMo we are instituting a new *feature* to keep us all talking to and helping out our fellow writers!   I present to you the First Weekly Chat Post!

These will be posted every Monday (except today which happens to be Not A Monday) throughout February.  Basically what these are here for:

-       Posting your progress!  If you make a post about how your writing is going, link to it here so your fellow CreMos can see how you’re doing, and give feedback and encouragement.  You could always just say OMG I AM GOING INSANE NO PROGRESS GRR too, if you wanted.

-       Asking questions!  Do you have a plot point that refuses to submit to your ultimate will of Sim Creatorosity?  Is there a pose you SWEAR you’ve seen before, but you couldn’t find?  Are you unsure of a particular line, and need someone’s immediate HALP?

-       General chatting!  Has something hilarious happened during your creating process today?  Do you want to randomly explain your thought process on why filming something underwater sounded fun, and how you realized that is not even remotely true?  Anything goes!

-       Doing anything else I have not listed here!  Aside from, you know, things against the community rules.  Leave a link to your journal if you post a drabble and want to share with the other CreMos, ask why the sky is blue, etc.

I hope everyone is having a great start to the challenge.  Have fun!

sim story creating month 2011

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