Since ever self-respecting simmer has a legacy I thought I'd start one to. But the usual legacy rules are... way to strict for moi. So instead I'm doing The Rainbow Legacy Challenge! Rules can be found
Generation one, everything is about the Yellow!
Here we have what we call our 'founder'. The Sim we start our legacy with. Shirley Regenboog, an Elf! Regenboog being the Dutch word for Rainbow.
Shirley has a cat named Dee. Dee being the Dutch word for 'The' (with one 'E' to many but eh). Dee Regenboog, The Rainbow. I made a funny! Heeh!
Erm... Yeah well, anyway. Here's a closer look at Dee the Pandacat. Cute huh?
Shirley liketh the Nerds! Very promising. ::Shifty Eyes::
And who's a cute kitty? Yes, yes. And who's stabbing herself with her own hair? Yes, yes.
Shirley lubs Dee! Awwww....
You already saw her in the pictures... Every legacy needs kids, of course. So we called the Matchmaker! And waited till dark before asking for that blind date, cause it's' more romantic. Or, you know, Shirley was to busy with Dee cuddling.
And this Sim got dropped from the sky!
They spend the entire date like this. Him on the sofa, her standing and babbling about nothing at all. You guessed it, it wasn't a great success. They did become Friends though. Hoozah.
Lets try this again! Ooooooh Matchmaker!
The second date brought forth this... He looks nerdy.
Shirley met him before when she was welcomed in the hood. She ignored him then in favor of the cute redhead.
It's not going to swell this time either. Another bust, drat.
Meanwhile Dee had a run in with one of the hood's wolfs omg!
"Oh noes! I surrender!" Coward.
Shirley wants to become a Hero something or other. So we got her a job in law-enforcement. Great ride. No reallly.
Dee has plenty of things to entertain herself with while her Queen is at work.
"Spork! Spork!" Shirley's teaching Dee to 'talk'. Talking cat, oh yeah!
For someone who doesn't like Shirley at all, this guy sure walks by a lot. Give it up, Shir, he no like you, he no candidate.
We have to work in getting some mad skillz and badges, so we do some Galaxy Questing.
And Midnight gardening. What's up with that? McDonald related?
Not many cooking skillz yet, so she's not allowed to touch the stove. No Way. Hoozah for sandwiches! Notice the yellow themed kitchen? I rulez.
Still no dice on finding someone to chase the loneliness away with. And, you know, start a legacy. So lets do another cliché! Visiting some community lots.
Lets take the new car. Sporty and yellow. Niiiiiice. I wish I had a car like that, but all I got is a dark green Opel Corsa.
Taking 'fishing for a mate' a bit to literal, Shirley. Charming pose by the by.
Soccer! Excellent! Team sport, that should work. Although, not so sure about the bare feet.
That's better. Walking around in your gymnastic underwear will certainly get you noticed!
And cooking! Love goes through the stomach! Good thinking, Shirley.
Cue Jaws Theme. Or one of those 30ties bad guy piano music tunes.
No! Don't look into his eyes, Shirley! Charlatan may not be a vampire, but he's bad news!
Le Gasp! Le Shock! Le Pocket Picked!
The moment Shirley found that out? It was on! Bring it!
Go Shirley! Go Shirley! Go Shirley!
Oops! Not a good way to start your morning. Wow.
Comfort food?
So the first blind dates were a bust, the visiting community lots was a bust. Lets give it one last try eh?
Well hey! It's my Everyone's favorite Elf!Sim! Wesley Wyndam-Pryce! How'd you get here, Wes? ::Innocent look::
They sat down for a talk. Or two. Picking the ultimate safe topic... The Weather.
Errr... Yeah. Hi girl in yellow. I already have a founder. Sorries.
Hello girl in red with the obvious tits. Plz to stop walking past and interrupting the convo? Thnx.
One thing led to another. Ooooh... Backrub. Progress.
Shirley then invited him to stay for dinner. Of course Wes said yes. Wonder who that third plate is for. Huh.
NewsFlash! We interrupt this Legacy for an important Penguin Sighting! In the middle of the summer. Got lost on your way to snow? Awww....
Luring him into the bedroom! Excellent!
...To show him your ferret pictures. .... Yeah, that'll impress him. How can he say no after that!
The next time she invited Wes over, there was a hearty (literal) greeting! Bingo? Match made by Sim!God?
Stay Tuned!