This legacy begins with Elena Cavendish. Say hi to the camera, Elena!
Elena doesn't seem to know that saying hello is usually done with one hand. But Elena doesn't "do" rules.
Actually, Elena's a pretty cool girl. Her stats:
Sloppy: 3
Outgoing: 6
Active: 6
Playful: 6
Grouchy: 4
She is a family Sim, whose LTW is to graduate three children from college. Her desire to have a baby is pressing, but she doesn't really worry about it.
She just hits the town before her house is even built, in the hope of finding her soulmate….
…and wastes no time telling everybody about it.
Think you got a cute brother you could fix me up with?
It's either that or she's taken with girls. Cause she won't let go of the purple sweatsuit lady.
But seeing the fugs who are allowed to roam the street of Strangetown, I can't blame her either.
And then there was Joel… Okay yes, he was balding, and his built was not quite to Elena's tastes, who liked big muscles, but he was blonde, so that was a plus. They seemed to hit it off, too.
Okay, they were smashing it off.
Elena liked Joel, but she was still unsure… If he couldn't fix his hair, how could he father the future president of the Sim Republic?
So she called the matchmaker, just in case. Strangely enough, the matchmaker also offered her services as a coach, and managed to steal 33 more simoleons from Elena's pocket. Guess she's gotta make a living.
Well, if she keeps matching people with things like that, she'll be out of business soon.
Needless to say, Elena didn't go out with Pascal Curious. He was more into the toilet anyway.
Besides, she still had Joel on her mind.
But I guess she knew more about him than she let on.
Nevertheless, she still invited him over, and quickly brought up the important question. Joel was honest, and admitted that he spent most of his salary on Internet porn.
But who needs money anyway?
Soon after, Joel moved in and got a makeover.
Neat: 9
Shy: 2
Active: 6
Serious: 3
Nice: 5
A knowledge Sim with a LTW of maxing out 7 skills, he was oddly equipped with an aquarium (Troy McClure, anyone?), a gold badge in cosmetology and a job as a freelance photographer.
Elena, on the other hand, was accumulating successes as a security guard. Ain't she proud?
Elena desperately tried to get pregnant, but it never seemed to work. So she turned to books and tried to master the art of Kamasutra…
And she was shocked!
And thus, the young couple lived happily until…
Elena wanted to have a wedding party, but unfortunately, people drank too much champagne, and they all wanted to use the (only) bathroom at the same time. So they all left, leaving Elena with a complete disaster on her hands… and no guests.
Her mind was already on other things, though. Could it be…?
Indeed it is.
She didn't immediately tell Joel about the good news. They were still learning to deal with their differences and quirks.
For instance, Joel loved to scrub…
…but he wouldn't want to clean the toilet. I wonder why that is?
Oh, right.
Eventually, the stork promised to visit. (I missed the first pop, but you know what it looks like, right?)
Joel showed his support by gossipping about his wife.
Joel: You know that bitch who lives with me? Her wedding party totally sucked.
Girl: Dude, that was your party too.
Let's see if you're following, shall we?
First we kissed…
Then we woohooed…
And now I'll have to share my cubes!
At least Joel wants to share. Elena, on the other hand, is totally hogging the VroomMaster.
But it's not all play and no work for pregnant women. As some guy said once, 'I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.' And thus…
Is it a boy? A girl? Or Batman? Stay tuned to find out…