7 Deadly Sims: Part 7- By Our Deeds Shall We Be Judged

Aug 30, 2007 18:20

PART 7.1
International Space Station - July 1, 2039 - 4:30AM

Pascal looked out a small window at the Earth below. He’d been away from home for about a month now and missed his family and friends. Communication with the Earth was allowed, however he often had a lot of work to do so his free time was limited. They’d made great progress expanding the space station to accommodate at least two hundred people. They’d figured out ways to sustain human life and even grow fresh produce that would allow humans on the moon to produce their own food supply.

Pascal believed his time away would have been easier with Circe by his side. Not only did she have wonderful ideas, she would be free of Loki. Pascal kept his promise and asked that she be transferred to the station as his assistant. They were still waiting approval, but it was looking good. In the meantime, he worried about her safety. The last time they spoke she mentioned meeting with a lawyer. She planned to divorce Loki and the papers would be drawn up in a matter of days.

Pascal prayed things would work out. He loved Circe and knew they’d make a great team. He continued to look at the Earth a little longer, wishing she could feel his presence from afar. Pascal was brought back to the present when he heard one of his colleagues running up the hall.

Israel: This doesn’t make sense at all.

Pascal: What’s wrong?

Israel: Interference. There was a large discharge of energy on the moon yesterday. Man, it registered like a solar flare, cutting out all communication systems. We can’t get readings from the robots.

Pascal: Is there any way to alert NASA?

Israel: We’re trying some of the older systems, but right now everything is down. We’re lucky it didn’t cut power on the station or we’d be sitting ducks. I’m going to try rewiring of the shuttles to see they can get some signal to Earth. If that doesn’t work, I hope NASA comes up with a plan. Man, this is not good.

Pascal: You’re right this isn’t good at all.

July 1, 2039 - 4:30 AM

Circe stretched to begin her morning run. Even though it was extremely early, it was the best time to get away from Loki. As she warmed up her body, she couldn’t help looking up at the sky, thinking of Pascal. Soon, they’d be reunited and she would finally be free of Loki. She was still a bit frightened to be taking such a large step. She’d spent years in fear of what Loki might do to her and now she had a reason to want her freedom. Pascal had given her a reason to live, but unfortunately he wasn’t there to keep her that way.

20 minutes later…

Circe: Please no. Don’t hurt me! No!

She only heard a faint buzz as the trigger was pulled. For Circe, time had stopped and all she could think of was Pascal and the life they would never have together. The force from the gunshot was enough to push her backward toward the edge of the pier. She heard the surge of the water below, begging to take her in its grasp. 
     She reached out to grab her attacker, hoping to cling onto something as her arms spun around trying to maintain her balance. She refused to give up in this moment. However, fate had other things in mind as her attacker ushered her hand away as if she were a fly. Circe lost her footing and fell with a loud splash into the murky water. If anyone was near, the only sounds they would have heard were Circe’s screams as she begged for help and eventually even those stopped.

Volf: It’s done. You’re up.

July 1, 2039 -8:00 AM Friday

Loki woke up feeling like this would be the best day of his life. He’d taken a vacation day to start his celebrations early. Circe hadn’t returned home from her morning jog and Loki was convinced that Themis had carried out his request. He felt even more confident when he received a text message saying “Mission Accomplished.” With Circe out of the way, Loki had one more loose end to take care of and he wanted to handle it personally.

Loki drove to a local hotel to meet Vamsi. She’d been laying low since helping him release the virus at Sim Cybernetics. He gave her some money to set up at a hotel with promises to run away with her when Circe was officially gone. When he saw Vamsi, Loki embraced her. She was just one of his many women, but one that knew way too much.

Keeping his cool, Loki and Vamsi “celebrated” and spent over an hour discussing their “future.” This was his chance. As Vamsi picked up a travel brochure, he hit her on the head with a hammer he’d been concealing under the mattress. Vamsi slid to the floor, knocked out cold. Loki walked over to make sure she would be out for a while.
      Loki had always imagined what it was like to kill someone, but he didn’t have the nerve. Yet the elation of having so much control over a person’s life held the same exhilaration for him that it would for one that could carry out a death order. Loki had plans for Vamsi’s disposal that would bring him a profit. He remained a true businessman to the end. As he continued to marvel at her corpse, two beings appeared out of thin air behind him. Loki turned around and greeted his visitors.

Loki: Here is the woman I promised you. Also, as promised here are the vials with the virus and the inoculation tablets for your crew.

Porto: This woman will do well as a servant on our planet. She’s very ugly though.

Loki: Well, I guess by your standards. As for the virus, do you have a plan to release it?

Lito: Via or ship’s exhaust systems. How long before people get sick?

Loki: The incubation time is one month. Humans will start seeing their pitiful lives flash before their eyes in a few weeks. Aliens will vary, but don’t worry, they too will via for the cure. We stand to make quite a profit. Speaking of, do you know who killed your crewmate back in February?

Lito: No. Who cares? We split his profits between the crew. We’ll help you clean up this mess and teleport you out.

Loki: It’s so good doing business with you.

July 1, 2039- Friday, 1:00 PM Eastern - The Island of Washington D.C.

President Sanchez: In four hours, I have to address the American people and they can’t know that we’re running into problems. I need options now.

Vice-President Cheng: This press conference is important and changing it will open a floodgate of questions that we aren’t able to answer.

Advisor Young: Madam President, if there is a leak, the American people will lose confidence in the overall mission. We must face this head on and inform them about the communications outage. They must be assured that everything is being done and it will not delay moving to the moon. For all we know, the robots are still functioning.

President Sanchez: Yes but there is a chance that they’ve stopped. Today, the entire planet gets to meet the aliens that are going to restore Earth. In order for me to feel confident in my speech, we need concrete answers and a plan of action. I need to speak with our Strangetown contacts.

The President picked up the phone and requested a conference call to be set up with General Grunt, Lt. Col. Galoxx, and Ms. Nigmos.

President Sanchez spoke for over an hour with Ophelia, Buzz, and Nebleb. Ophelia assured her that everything was being done. NASA was already planning to launch a team of engineers and Ophelia was sending additional robots within a matter of days. Buzz and Nebleb doubted that there was any threat from other nations, but they’d speak with other military branches to verify that this wasn’t sabotage.

As she listened to their suggestions, the President still was unsettled. To fully understand what happened, they would need video from the moon. She felt as though she was clinging to sand, for just as soon as things were coming together they seemed to fall apart.

Hours later, she greeted the American people with words of concern. She did as her advisors suggested and was honest. The faces of the reporters were filled with worry that the plan was already failing. To restore confidence, she carried on with introductions of the aliens from the planet Unk, creators of the planet restoration technology. The Unkians graciously answered questions and even demonstrated work they’d done on their planet and in other galaxies. They went as far as to show viewers that desolate planets could be turned into habitable places. Imagine a summer home on Mars, ski resorts on Venus, and theme parks on Jupiter. These were no longer dreams from sci-fi shows, but a reality of what could come. 
     Confidence in the project soared as reporters went home to type up their reports. Everyone, alien and human alike were joined in celebration. Their home would be saved. Even the largest skeptics had no doubt that this plan might actually work.

The President however had other people that needed to learn about the events of the past 24 hours. Important people that had a lot at stake. After saying goodnight to her husband and kids, she prowled the halls of the White House for the one place she knew she’d be alone, the bathroom. Once there she opened her mouth and let out a noise with such a high pitch that only animals could have registered it. Moments later, she was illuminated by lights from above.

President Sanchez: We have a situation. Someone has tampered with the robots on the moon. We can’t communicate with them and there is a chance that they are malfunctioning. We are sending help. Was it one of the rebels?

Several voices filled the room and spoke as a choir harmonizing.

THEY: Yes. We believe it was a woman from our time period who traveled to your current year. Once confirmed, she will be destroyed.

President Sanchez: Someone in your time has this power? Why would someone from your time come back to this moment?

THEY: Have no worries and thank you for contacting us. We are transmitting your next mission.

After several minutes, communication ended and President Sanchez walked back to her room. She quietly slipped on her nightclothes, lay in bed, and fell asleep.

Part 7.2


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