(no subject)

Nov 02, 2010 13:48

 well..now realise..now that I back in the world of norm...that have been quite unwell for a period of time..just rereading my LJ account and now see...why some peeps where worried...so now realise that I have to at the moment take my meds..or though being unwell makes for good art..take away the illness you take away the person....more tea vicar

so back...gonna after this try and make pumkin soup..as bought some cheap pumpkins that where left over from Halloween..if I rember its potatoes, pumpkins and oions..just boil up and blended together...so cynee pepper... haven't done it in two years but very tasty if i remember

Was gonna go for a jog later..biut instead gonna cycle of J's which will mean I have cycled today..about 40kms

so thats more than enough exercise for the day....200 minutes plus of cycling..as planning on getting fit this winter as have found it keeps the winter blues away..also concentrating on typing better with less mistakes..whcih is coming

so what to write today..for once my mind is blank...took a nice photo of a stack of bricks on the building site today...for got how to load up on this site...but like anything ..I'll just work it out

Have been doing well on the smoking cut down bu half although now having the nicotine products..but like the last time wheer I gaev up..am now trying to banish the though of cigs..my problem is though I enjoy cigs especially on a rainy day

so feel quite flat actually today..not my usually inspired self....so will leave it there..and if I can quickly find my camera will load up a pic...one more thing..again my moving date has been put back..trying to talk with the fella in charge of it..but hes proving to be quite allusive..but will catch up with him this Thursday ..in the office..this I kid you not is the sixth date we have been given...so maybe tI hope that this will be the correct one

pumpkin soup

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