together will ca build a better reality

Jul 22, 2010 02:15

not enough hours in the day

I've just given up everything so can devote more time to art and data mining

but at the moment hopefully gonna be devoting 6 mths to everything from progression and to the understanding of self using preliminary the arts

I suffer from schizophrenia and normally wouldnt mention it...but today is a specail day for me as have come out the closet, so to speak and announced on facebook that I am this..a very complex reality and inner truth, and in my case as a sufferer , everyone is different but have learnt to construct a number of different where the illness isn't mentioned and one where I'm fully blown although this isnt normally shown..but have now decided to be the true if ya wanna understand the world from a person who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia...well actually its schizo affective polar thrown in for good measure.. actually they feed of each a feedback loop..but I think its not an illness...maybe when I was twenty..but have come to an understanding and worked it out as it applies to me and leart to deal with it..making me in my opinion a richer person for it..lets just say it gives me a unique viewpoint...but it can be used as a tool and have developed over the years a lot of interesting strategies in order to use a s coping mechanisms for my I hope you take the time and trouble to look at the links..and if ya dont then thats cools as well

Is there a community or any links to the new to this site..and as of yet "work in progress" apoylogise if I have offended any one as I know tghis isnt the right community and hopefully if there are any sufferes of these conditions then could you please put the links up..iven time I'm sure I'll find out if theres any bear with me

In Fact I get alot of inspiration from you have whole realities that are builf from it..but you are told this is wrong thinking

what is normal then?

see my facebook page for more info... art and the music that I enjoy that linked into my illness, music and art applied to my the schziophrenic mind, gives quite a twist but its only a anything...and I hope given enough time I'll go in some way to explaining the truth as it applies to me

Feel free to comment link, interesting articlee,philosophise....and I will have a look for groups and if there isnt any will create one..but its just a special day for I have come out the closet so to speak...all in good time and thankyou for your patience

My personal page where all my art is as well as a music...well some of it..but a good hundred pages

Its to long that poeple like me have had to hide

So forgive me
Peace n luv!


But out of acorns


Together we can build a better world

reality is whatever you make it
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