重力ピエロ 特別版 DVD + Official Photobook

Apr 16, 2011 19:00

Tadaiiiima ! ( ̄∀ ̄) Haha, that's it, I'm back (home) ! =D

Which means... it's time for me to share all those lovely stuffs with you !
As I announced it on Twitter, it's the beginning of #silyspam !
By the way, I'm counting on you to trend my new special hashtag on Twitter, ne ?
The day I see my personal hashtag trending, I offer random cookies XD

And #silyspam also means #cookiespam, ne ?
You can trend this one as well if you want ! XD

Anyway, today I will start with Jyuryoku Pierrot (especially for kwlvrdreams)

Here is the DVD, with it's small photobook and the cardboard case →
And not only that, I'm also going to share the whole Official Photobook with you !
It was definitely worth asking Yesasia to order it for me ♥

重力ピエロ [Special Edition] Contents

So, here are all the extras. I ripped and uploaded everything for you ♥ (Did I tell you I was really kind ? 8D)
Though I actually only password-locked the Making and Press Events videos.

1 ♥ 『重力ピエロ』 メイキング
『重力ピエロ』 メイキング
Making of Jyuryoku Pierrot
Resolution 720x540
Duration 30:02 // 455Mo

Here is a short preview ♥ →
(It's a Megavideo streaming video)

Of course, I won't upload more on streaming website, since, first, I hate streaming, and then, I'm just too lazy to do so.

2 ♥ 「重力ピエロ」舞台挨拶集 (Press Events Collection)
I already posted a preview in a previous entry, but as I love that passage, here it is again ! =D

舞台挨拶集 → Resolution 720x540 // Duration 16:02 // 244Mo

3 ♥ 主題歌ミュージッククリップ (Theme Song Music Clip)
Well, as you can guess by the name of the file, it's a music clip for the theme song of the movie.
But more than that, it's a PV starring Masaki ♥ 5 minutes of music with Masaki on your screen ! XD
(Well, you actually find the Masaki from Jyuryoku Pierrot, taking pictures, with that head covering.)

S.R.S「Sometimes −.B.C−」 → Resolution 720x540 // Duration 05:02 // 74,9Mo

4 ♥ 予告/特報/TV−SPOT (Trailers/TV Spots)

I still wonder why they always include so many trailers and TV spots in movie DVDs...
(Resolution of all the following videos : 720x404)

Trailer #1 → Duration 01:02 // 15,2Mo
Trailer #2 → Duration 01:36 // 23,0Mo
TV Spot #1 → Duration 00:17 // 3,72Mo
TV Spot #2 → Duration 00:17 // 4,24Mo
TV Spot #3 → Duration 01:18 // 13,2Mo

Reminder (in case you forget something or don't want to read ^^')
If you have an LJ-account, just let a comment on this entry and I'll send you the passwords by PM.
If you don't have an LJ-account, you can also let an anonymous comment by letting me a way to contact you.
If you don't want to let an e-mail publicly, you can also send a request at silystya@hotmail.com
(Please precise as subject : Jyuryoku Pierrot Passwords & let a comment -anonymous- here saying you asked for because I never check that e-mail address !)

If you want to share them, just link back to this entry. Passwords are needed anyway. (;¬_¬)ジー

Oh ! Haha. There are still a few download links left ♥ PHOTOBOOKS !

First, the small photobook coming with the DVD. Here to get it.

And then, the Official Photobook of the movie ! A lovely book with 96 pages of wonderful pictures ♥
And I scanned all those pictures for you ! =D
Well, I haven't scanned the few pages where there was nothing to see (such as the second part of pictures printed on two pages)
As you may have seen it already, I've left previews everywhere, on Twitter especially, but also on LJ and Tumblr.

And you can get it there → Part 1 + Part 2 + Part 3 + Part 4

Well, now it's dinner time for me ! Get ready for more #silyspam tomorrow with ハルフウェイ !
See ya~♥

twitter, pictures, yuriko yoshitaka, download, videos, scans, tricks, masaki okada, gifs, movie

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