this LJ is 99.9% ryutaro-centric.
but everyone is welcome, really.
i do love Hey! Say! JUMP, NEWS and other johnny's as well.
check out my favourite johnny's
and by the way, this blog only mirrors the fangirl side of me.
i only blog things here about my fangirling, i hope you can stand that. haha
i usually always add back friend requests.
just please don't make me think you're an alien from another planet
and put some entries on your blog.
what's having a blog site for?
and talk to me at least once in a while.
you added me to your "FRIENDS" right?
i love talking to other fangirls,
but i hate LIARS.
you are in the cyberworld, yes, but it isn't an excuse for you to lie about yourself.
have a great day everyone!
and oh, i love RYUTARO to the bones! ♥
in case i still wasn't able to make it obvious. lol.
and don't forget to