
Mar 04, 2007 10:29

The first Elves awaken in the darkness, in Middle-earth, at Cuiviénen.

By the starlit mere of Cuiviénen, Water of Awakening, they rose from the sleep of Ilúvatar; and while they dwelt yet silent by Cuiviénen their eyes beheld first of all things the stars of heaven. Therefore they have ever loved the starlight, and have revered Varda Elentári above all the Valar.

In the changes of the world the shapes of lands and of seas have been broken and remade; rivers have not kept their courses, neither have mountains remained steadfast; and to Cuiviénen there is no returning.
"Of the Coming of the Elves and the Captivity of Melkor"

b2mem 2007, dawn_felagund

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