August 2019 Newsletter Posted!

Aug 06, 2019 08:52

Our August newsletter has been posted!

We celebrated our 14th birthday at the end of July and want to thank the hundreds of readers, commenters, contributors, visitors, and friends who have made the SWG such a success over these past fourteen years. Here's to another fourteen and many more! If you have problems--canon problems, that is--this month's Solve a Problem challenge is your chance to untangle your favorite and most frustrating conundrums from the canon. This month's newsletter also has a list of fanworks added and updated this past month, so if you're looking for something to read, this is a great place to start.

This month's character biography, by Robinka, is about the aptly named Gorlim the Unhappy. One of the most tragic tales of The Silmarillion, albeit one of the minor tales, Gorlim wasn't always unhappy. This month's bio looks at what caused him to fall upon such tragic circumstances.

Finally, make sure you check out our Around the World and Web section. The Tolkien fandom is busy right now, with multiple challenges and events, several upcoming appreciation weeks, ongoing fandom history projects, classes, calls for papers, and more.

Many thanks to Robinka, Russandol, Elleth, and Angelica for their contributions to this month's newsletter!


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