NY Tolkien Conference/NY Fandom Meetup

Jun 06, 2015 20:34

The New York Tolkien Conference is now exactly one week (omg how did that happen) away. I know a few SWG members are attending. I know a few more fandom people live in the area and have expressed an interest in maybe getting together at some point during that weekend.

Here are my thoughts: The conference ends at five. I will probably be hungry at that point and also in need of some sort of fermented plant juice to take my mind off the fact that I've been wearing heels all day. So I would love to set up a dinner (around 6ish?) at a restaurant near the college for anyone fannish, whether attending the conference or not, who would like to meet up.

So if you are in the NY area and would like to do dinner on the evening of Saturday, June 13, please let me know! If you'd rather email than comment here, I can be reached at DawnFelagund@gmail.com.

Some other notes for the conference: The SWG will be in the Iaurond Room. There will be an open mic for anyone who wants to share a story/poem/etc, so please do bring something to read, if you'd like. (The organizers suggested around 10 minutes per piece to me when this idea was originally proposed.) If you're not able to attend but would like to have your work represented there, I am putting together a collection of Tolkien-based fanworks to have on hand in the Iaurond Room. For the collection, please just try to get your links to me as soon as possible.


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