Hador Part 2

Oct 26, 2005 16:21

Title: Hador
Author: fanged_geranium
Rating: General
Warnings: None
Summary: Fingon wants to know why Fingolfin has given Dor-lómin to Hador.

Part 2

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. The characters, settings, places, and languages used in this work are the property of the Tolkien Estate, Tolkien Enterprises, and possibly New Line Cinema. The author will not receive any money or other remuneration for this work.

Fingon wondered what his father could have said to Hador Lórindol that might be considered embarrassing. Surely he hadn't told him about... No, it wasn't possible - Fingolfin would never betray family secrets.

"You might as well tell me, daddy," said Fingon, "If you don't I'll go and ask Hador."

"Hador has sworn not to talk about it," said Fingolfin smugly.

"I like ruling Dor-lómin," said Fingon, "and I shan't give it up unless I have a very good reason to do so."

"You will hand over the command of Dor-lómin to Hador because that is my order!" roared Fingolfin.

"So where will my new realm be?" asked Fingon, deciding to change tack. "You have to give me one, because it would look very bad if you took Dor-lómin away from your eldest son and heir then didn't give him a new and better realm. People would gossip."

"There are no unoccupied lands," said Fingolfin, "except Nevrast. You can have Nevrast, if you like."

"I don't want Turgon's rejects! If Nevrast wasn‘t good enough for him it certainly isn‘t good enough for me!" cried Fingon, "And besides, Nevrast is too far from the action. Morgoth never attacks by sea."

general fiction, hador story, fingolfin, hador, fingon, fanged_geranium

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