(no subject)

Oct 21, 2005 14:12

In my post about Fingolfin I wondered why he gave Dor-lómin to Hador, and ithilwen pointed out that it looked like a plot bunny, so I'm writing some drabbles about it. Here's the first.

Title: Hador Part 1
Author: fanged_geranium
Rating: General
Summary: Fingon wants to know why Fingolfin has given Dor-lómin to Hador


Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. The characters, settings, places, and languages used in this work are the property of the Tolkien Estate, Tolkien Enterprises, and possibly New Line Cinema. The author will not receive any money or other remuneration for this work.

"It's not fair, Daddy," said Fingon, "I spent years defending Dor-lómin, I invented the rescue mission, drove a hoard of Orcs into the sea and faced down Glaurung the Fire-drake, and now you give my realm to a mortal! What did I do wrong?"

"This isn't about you, son," said Fingolfin, "it's about Hador and me."

"But what makes this Hador fellow so much better than me? I am called Fingon the Valiant!"

"Only by the Fëanorians," snapped Fingolfin, "because you pulled their collective fat out of the fire at Alqualondë!"

"Even you said I was brave after I rescued Maedhros!"

"That might have been a mistake," said Fingolfin.

"Not from your point of view," said Fingon sulkily, "Maglor would never have given you the high kingship without a sword to his throat, and maybe not even then."

"I meant calling you brave," said Fingolfin, "I wouldn't have done it if I had known it was going to make you question my judgement about everything."

"I'm not questioning your judgement!" protested Fingon, "I simply want to know why I no longer have a realm of my own!"

"Well son, it's a little..."

"Difficult to explain?" suggested Fingon.

"Embarrassing." finished Fingolfin.

general fiction, fingolfin, hador, fingon, fanged_geranium

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