September Newsletter Posted!

Sep 03, 2011 14:41

This month's newsletter is a bit delayed with my apologies--between hurricanes and starting back to school, Real Lifetm stood between me and my time to put the pieces together! As always, sincerest thank yous go to Oshun, Angelica, and Rhapsody, who write the content!

The new newsletter is here:

In site news, we have some updates on the Season of Writing Dangerously. We continue to seek banner-makers willing to help us create rewards for participants, winners, and cheerleaders for this event. Finally, we left off two of Keiliss's stories from last month's Akallabeth in August list--apologies to Kei! Please go check out her always-incredible work.

Oshun has written this month's biography on Ecthelion, whose popularity with fans belies the few mentions he receives in the text. As one of Tolkien's oldest characters--he appears in the earliest version of The Silmarillion--Oshun dug deep to find all of the information she could on him and create another fine biography for our References section.

As always, we have a list of August's new stories, current challenges, and news from beyond the SWG--including a new Tolkien podcast and a call for betas and artists for a Big Bang challenge, as well as announcements from challenges and contests.



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