August 2011 Newsletter Posted!

Aug 02, 2011 10:21

The August 2011 newsletter is up on our site:

A reminder that, as in years past, August is Akallabeth in August! During this month, we encourage our members to step out of their First Age comfort zones and try their hand at writing Second Age stories. In celebration of the writers who regularly work within the Second Age, we have included a list of their stories in the newsletter and encourage readers to check out a few! Lastly, two years ago, we ran an Akallabeth in August event, and our group's talented authors and artists put together a collection of stories spanning the entire Second Age. If you find your Second Age inspiration a little thin, some of the incredible pieces included in this project might entice the muses!

In keeping with our Akallabeth in August theme, this month's character biography, written by Marta, is about Sauron, with a focus on his actions in the Second Age. As Marta points out, at first glance, Sauron presents the impression of a convenient villain lacking the depth of some of Tolkien's other bad boys, but delving deeper into his history in the Second Age reveals a character of greater complexity than a mere evil overlord. Marta's biography is comprehensive, thought-provoking, and well worth a read!

And, of course, we have news from within the SWG and from groups beyond our own, as well as a list of the stories posted to the archive in July and our monthly challenges.



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