Title: The Duck Lord
Author: Soawen
Characters: Rion, his parents and a duck
AN: As usual, this is all
silvestris' fault. She and
melus kept talking about dark lords, and somewhere fowl entered the discussion, and all it took was one small mistake on my part.
Rion was about to fall when a feathered back crept under his flailing hands. The duck quacked kindly and stood still till he found his balance and he thanked it with an enthusiastic hug.
"Ducky!" he beamed. "Daddy, ducky!"
The crown prince smiled back. "A very nice duck, yes. Now let go of it before it bites you."
"Ducky," Rion insisted. "My ducky!" The bird quacked again and nipped his hair, causing the small child to giggle and clutch it even more. "Daddy, daddy, my ducky!"
"I see you have learned the word 'my' quite well," Shayari said dryly. "Now let go of it and come look at the wishing well."
"No! No! My ducky!"
"Rylerion," he said sternly, "I told you to let go of the duck. If you behave, you may ask you mother to get you one when we get back from the mission."
"No! No! No!" Rion began to bawl, something that usually worked with his nanny. The duck, which was quite miserable now, began to flap its wings which made Rion fall down. He began to wail in earnest.
"Shayari, really!" Mommy came to the rescue in a rush of pale silk and picked the fallen prince up. "Hush hush, sweetling, it's all right, mommy's here. Yes, it's a fine duck, very fine. Did you hurt yourself? No, that's good. Now come look at the wishing well. We'll give it a flower and then you can ask it to be made a duck lord, how about that? Yes, I knew you would like that. Come, which flower should it be?"
Shayari followed them with a sigh. Other children liked puppies and kittens and the occasional horse, but no, his son wanted a duck. When Rannon found out Shayari wouldn't hear the end of it, and most likely the stupid child would be gifted with an entire duck farm upon his next birthday. Sometimes Shayari was sure that Rannon had a mean streak larger than his ego.
As things went, Shayari and his family never made it back from the diplomatic mission. The spirit resting in the wishing well was hard of hearing, so it mistook duck lord for dark lord and the rest is history.