Ahhh exams! but other stuff that is happy

Dec 06, 2005 21:07

So this week has been an exciting one (and it's not even over), monday i was completely scatterbrained, and once i sat down to do my hw, which as it turns out was the wrong section, so that explains why it was so hard. Anyway i could not concentrate, for many reasons. One reason was i was nervous about my callback for the tinman on tuesday, but as it turns out it went alright, so thats good. Also i had to do a french presentation as well, and i did that today too so now it's over. But the biggest reason i was so scatter-brained was because i was waiting for a phone call, which i got, and now im going to the dance with amy, even though my parents have abandoned me and i need to find a ride, i will go if i have to walk there, and it's a long way to NYA.

My call back was interesting, i sang the "slide some oil to me" song, but sped it up since i was nervous, so they told me to calm down and take a breath and sing it well, so i did. Then i acted some parts and tried to sing the second song, but they stopped me because they said the second song wasnt the same as it was on the cd, so it turns out to be a good thing that i didnt sing it.

My french presentation went well. I dressed up as the artist i was researching (paul cezanne) which means i basically threw on old baggy striped pants and an old button down shirt. It was a party. I also played a song that i had found about Cezanne, and in my own humble opnion my presentation kicked the other presentations that went asses. It's too bad mrs. reedy had jury duty though, now i just have to rely on mrs. meplain (sp?) to convey a report of my presenation. O well.

I am kind of nervous about exams, it's more like i know i should be nervous, but i cant bring myself to be nervous about a test, even an exam, because it's just like any other test. As long as i know all the material i should do fine, but I think i should definitely study, One does not want to tempt fate by not studying.

As sad as i am about exams approaching, i still cant wait for saturday, because of the dance i am going to, At NYA, with amy. It's kinda funny, kathleen swore back in 7th grade that one day amy and i would end up together, and i guess she turned out right. Doesn't matter to me though, i still happy happy happy!
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