Thoughts on the Do-Nothing-But-Fight folks up on the Hill

Oct 08, 2013 16:56

Guess what? In a sense, Congress IS us. We the People are at least partly responsible for this mess. We *chose* them. We *elected* them (sometimes over & over & over ad nauseum). Now people want to whine and point fingers and blame "the other guy" (and it's ALWAYS the other guy's fault, right? there's never any shared responsibility, oh no), all the while conveniently forgetting their own part in this debacle. I've begun giving the following sort of response to folks who are upset about all this, and frankly who isn't? A) Did you vote? If not, this conversation is over. Either go register to vote, or find your voter card and get in line for a booth. B) You did vote? That's great! Thank you for using your rights. Now for a different question, did you "vote the party line"? If so, how's that working out for you, huh? Don't like the results so much? Vote Again, and perhaps this time, please consider a refreshing CHANGE from Dem. or Rep. Vote for somebody else! Maybe we'll get something accomplished then. Last election in Nov., if the person was an incumbent, they did NOT get my vote. Not a single one of them. My MIL and my dad both stick straight to their "party" no matter what and it drives me crazy. I wish people would think for themselves once in a while instead of just blindly choosing the same old thing. Because then this is what we get - the same old thing.
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