I didn't make it!!!!!!!!

Sep 10, 2015 19:54

Welp, due to an impulsive, potentially careless and shady decision..I walked..no I practically ran out of VO today, just like that. It kind of sad that I had to do that considering I Had less than 48 hours left til my last day. But I just couldn't take it for another second, just couldn't take one more phone call. I felt that place didn't deserve one more minute of my time. The last straws were finally had. I feel embarrassed for what I did, especially since I must have inadvertently left several messages on the call out line while a bit drunk on wine as I celebrated my freedom.
It was just scary and comical at the same time how I went down. I mean, for the last week and half since I had put in my notice, none of the sups not even my own so much looked at me as though I had the plague. I got the impression that they were basically acting like a child would act when learning that a friend wants to play with another kid instead. So professional. So you can imagine that I got so heated and fed up with my sup, with less than 48 hours sends me an IM saying something about a benefit quote and I was getting shit about my call stats..I mean, do they seriously expect me to give a flying fuck knowing that I have had one foot out the door for nearly two weeks??Was this one more chance to assert some sort of power trip over me? And I had asked if we could talk about it soon rather than the last minute at the end of the day and he refused to do so. So when I got that stupid IM ( because that's how they communicate for the most part..as impersonal as possible) I quickly signed off and ran out to my car..and luckily I had managed to reach the door handle when I noticed that he had followed me out..and fast too. I was thankful I had ran and wished I had the foresight to have moved my car on break to the back parking lot right by the cafeteria doors..he might not have thought to go there first. Maybe it would been ALOT smarter to have just went on my lunch break as normal and they just didn't bother to return.
ALTHOUGH, that might not have worked either, since Big Brother would KNOW that i had signed out for the day instead of choosing to just for break, so perhaps they would have caught on to me anyway.

Just being pursued that way being yelled after was just uncomfortable and a bit creepy. With my vast amount of liquid courage, I made sure to point out that I really didn't appreciate that one bit hoping they would feel threatened and nervous by my complaint. I also left a copy of my exit interview with a not so nice review..hoping that makes them squirm a little bit, but that company will never get the message hence the outrageously high and constant turnover rate. They should be lucky I gave them the courtesy of a two weeks notice...although I really didn't want to give them any..and If I didn't need that one last check, I would have made my last day effective the minute I submitted my resignation letter.
I am just hoping that my stunt doesn't ever get back to my new employer someday, since that may ruin me in their eyes. It wasnt the most mature way to leave the company, but after all the unprofessional behavior at my expense,.i cant say they didn't have it coming. The turnover is so damn high that im sure half the county has came and walked out by now. All I know is that I needed to do what I had to do. Considering how increasingly stressed and miserable I have been over the last few months, I felt I needed a few extra days off just to decompress and get myself all ready for my fresh start this coming Tuesday. I plan on organizing my closet, catch up on housecleaning and just being lazy..as a way to prepare for my new beginning and get myself back to a normal state of mind after the hell I endured at VO...so on that note Good riddance and Good Luck...I cannot tell you what an utter relief it was waking up this morning knowing I would never ever have to go set foot in there again....its finally over.
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