Cool for the Summer....

Aug 10, 2015 07:31

Feeling so totally depressed that my vacation is over, I just wanted to hold onto it forever and was dreading tomorrow before I even left for my last day at work..if that's not a huge warning sign then I don't know what it.
It was another lovely week on LI..the weather was just flawlessly beautiful every single day with the exception of a brief storm that passed through in the wee hours of the dawn on Tues but then gave way to sunny skies. so I got to spend just about every day at the beach with the exception of two days.
So I got there late Sat Aug 1st, finished up the centerpieces with mom for the shower and then went to the beach for a few hours once the clouds drifted away and got in a swim right away.
Then had burgers, wine and Pee Wee with Mom and Dad as the tradition goes.
The next day was Deana's Bridal Shower, the big day had finally arrived and we all pulled it off without a hitch. She was just blown away by it all and it was a very lovely day had my all..and I couldn't be happier than to have been a part of putting it all together.
Monday was another beach day, the second of what would be many all through the week..I grabbed a much needed egg sandwich and large iced tea from the Meetinghouse Deli to enjoy at the beach. the best Monday morning I have had..well since I have been unemployed actually. Then once I got home, it was time to get ready to go on our Shelter Island adventure with Kara and Heather, which was a real treat and Kara'a was great to go somewhere different. Thankfully the weather had held out and it was wonderful ferry ride over and then went to SALT for dinner, followed by walks on the beaches to take in the sunset and hunt for shells. I just fell for Shelter Island too, just so remote and peaceful as if you are truly in your own world and as if you had stepped back in time. Then on the drive back we had to pop in our Summer 2003 Hamptons soundtrack ( I'll show ya magiccc ..what what! LOL) and reminisce about those days of bar hopping in our youth. This was truly one of the best days of my life to date.
Tues and Wed were quieter days, more time lounging on the beach since I was going to do that as much as possible and take in every moment, even making time to visit Grandma as well.
Before going to the beach on Tuesday morning, I took the time to take a drive along the North Fork again to Orient to take in some scenery since it was too dark on our way back the night before..and saw lots of trees being cleaned up from that brief storm that blew all over the Island earlier that morning. Grandma's had more large branches from her tree come down too. its crazy how much damage was caused by such a short storm.
Wednesday was Tara;s birthday and we celebrated that night by going bowling along with Sean and Jessica at Wildwood lanes which was a blast. Then went to have a Watermelon roll cake back at Tara and Mikes, and the we just hung out having a little family band session while Mike busted out the sax a the guitar which Sean playing Mike's mini drumset..all in the comfort of my grandparent's home where I had spent countless summer days and nights as well.
Thurdsay morning I was up before the dawn, since Mom and Dad had to leave to go look at a house upstate for a couple of days, so I would be home alone til Saturday, which was fine expect that I knew I would not be able to sleep so well during the night there or anywhere even with Nermal for company. Once they left that morning, I took a leisurely walk to the way back just as the sun was rising and even saw a large buck of a deer staring at me from the other side of the deer fence. Surely a peaceful calming sight to behold that morning. The rest of the morning, I just relaxed on the front and side porches devouring a book with Nermal in the window, just observing also my old neighborhood..basically doing other things I had used to do on lazy summer days such as this. Then I went back to the beach for a couple of hours in the afternoon, checked in on Grandma, then came home to have my own little private party at home since I really had nothing else to do.
Friday was the only second day I decided to not go to the beach. I decided to spend another brilliant sunny day spending time with Aunt Barbara, grabbed a slice and clams from Lennys;and then relaxed with some wine in the backyard at the patio just taking it all in, just like I did when we had the pool as a child as a teen..before I could go the beach alone..I even got some free entertainment as I decided to play some horseshoes in the back as the live music at the winery was in full force with a cover of " Cheerleader" thrown in there., and did a lot of wandering around the yard with my wine and my memories. It was one of the most beautiful days left and I just wanted to stay there forever, like I wanted to stay at the beach forever just gazing my "beach" clouds, just huge and billowing and look so close to you that you feel like you just can reach out and touch them.
Then it was time to prepare a quick dinner of chicken parm courtesy of Dad for Tara and Mike when they came over later that night. In the meantime, I just blasted 80s tunes around the house while I was bustling around the house and just taking in my old home and the neighborhood again as if I never left...then once Tara and Mike came over, thankfully Tara was able to sleep over..we had dinner and then we had our own 80s-90s dance party into the wee hours.
The next day was pretty quiet, that Saturday,,after recovering a bit, Tara and I decided to go for a walk around the old neighborhood like we used to do. Once Tara and had to go home, I took in a little beach time before coming back home to see that my parents had returned, so it was a pretty relaxing night as they did their own recovery from their trip.
Sunday, was sadly my last day. Tara and Mike had decided to take the boat out at sunset, which was fine. So of course I put in a last few hours at the beach with a heavy heart at first..I just didn't want any of this to end. But decided to just enjoy the day anyway, even though once more Stella felt too ill too come. She most likely wont be joining me at the beach at all this summer which I realized, even before I learned of the pregnancy it was hard to coordinate this year, I couldn't help feeling just a bit sad. In the last 5 years or so, we have always a couple of days at the beach together. and this is the first time in my life that I never got to see her while on my week;s vacation out there. I know that things change...and then there is the change on the horizon with my time at my childhood home having to come to and end too. This might be the last summer vacaY I ever spend there which made it all so important more than ever that I stayed close to home and spent as much time there and the beach as much as possible, I just feel like I had to hang on to every little moment there as much as I the event that this is the final summer for me to be there....
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