From the ashes!

Jan 15, 2009 20:22

Well, first up - despite getting past the personality, mathematics, confidence (speaking in front of a large group, something I do rather well) and general aptitude tests I failed at the last bastion before an offer of employment - the dreaded interview. My hands aren't quite limber enough to hold 20 chips in a stack one-handed, and my employment history is a little erratic and to them I seem unfocused on what I want to do...a wild card, I imagine...and thus were not quite prepared to spend 5 weeks' paid training on me. Once I lost my cool streak I sort of lost confidence for a few moments and lacked conviction in some of my responded thereafter.

However, they told me that everything I lacked could be easily fixed, that my personality was stellar and I had good poise and a very professional look. The day was not a total waste, as I did have an enjoyable time and this has, if anything, made my drive that much stronger. My recruiter gave me her card and asked me to call back in six months to have another crack at the job. And after playing on the tables for a while I can honestly say that it is a career I can definitely see myself thoroughly enjoying.

So, I'm disappointed but determined to try again and make a better job of it.

So, to cheer myself up a little I'm watching some of my favorite old Full Frontal sketches involving one of Shaun Micallef's greatest characters, Milo 'The Brownish Bomber' Kerrigan.

For those who aren't aware, Milo is not retarded in any way - he's just taken one too many punches to the head in his boxing days.

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