So let's talk a little bit about Obama and Palin. You might like Palin, and that's fine. I don't. Here's why:
Some people think her being a mom counts for something as the VP candidate. How does her being a mom count any more than Obama or McCain who are both parents? Congratulations, you popped some kids out. Being a parent doesn't make you a
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it was ridiculous, they were saying that HOW DARE I bring politics into a mommy community, they have to hear about it everywhere else, why should i just talk about MY views that have NOTHING to do with my kid (IMO it has EVERYTHING to do with my kid, it's his future and this woman is fucking crazy) so i was pissed.
i'm sorry for the novel, i just really liked this and i'm a rambly person and this just recently happened so i wanted to take a shot in the dark!!!
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