Those of you who know me might understand why I'm posting this during this week, and even if you don't, well, that's not really important, all that matters is that you get the message I'm trying to send out, which is, in a few words, SEIZE THE DAY, CARPE DIEM for those who like Latin.
I've always liked this idea, but little more than three years ago I really didn't pay much attention to it... but then too many things happened, I'm not gonna go into detail cause it hurts to even think about those, let's just say that some of those situations had the nice happy ending we all wish for and others had the worst ending ever... and it's because of this last one that I started to think that maybe Seize the Day weren't just three words, but a lifestyle... mind you, this doesn't mean I suddenly changed, oh, trust me, I wish I did, but looks like I was way too rooted in my own lifestyle and I still have to get out of it... but I did change my point of view on life, that's for sure...
You know, before I thought life was something precious, but since those days I started to believe life is THE MOST PRECIOUS thing ever... and it's also the most fragile one, in a matter of seconds the world can crush down on you and all the happiness, all the projects, everything just disappears and you're left with nothing but regrets and fear and sadness and anguish...and tears, plenty of tears...
Ok, I know this is getting depressing, but please, bear with me... you know, March has always been the best month of the year to me, my birthday is in March, but since 2008 it has become one of the worst months of my life... March 2008...God, I can't even think about that, that's when my world crushed down on me... it was like being hit by a ton of bricks, all my certainties were suddenly gone, everything I was so sure about started to fade... and then, when I thought it couldn't get any worse than that, the final blow.... that night is still marked in my mind and it will be forever... those days are still there, though you wouldn't say that, cause that's how I am...
And last year...well, that was another awful March... you know those news you know will come at some point, but when they come they manage to destroy all the inner defenses you thought you had built? Well, that's what happened.... and God, I can't believe it's been a year already... Shattered by Broken Dreams, that's the title of a song I love and probably the best description for this situation...
Alright....I just wanted to share this with you, my awesome readers... and encourage you to SEIZE THE DAY, enjoy your life, because you never know what will happen in an hour, tomorrow, next week, next month.... enjoy your life, always tell your loved ones how much you love them, never take anything for granted.
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