Title: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
Fandom: The Social Network
Pairing: Eduardo/Sean
Words: 800
Summary: Some things are inevitable. And then there's Sean and Eduardo in a Canadian shack.
Note: This ridiculous encounter was written for
the Canadian Shack Challenge's 10th anniversary. [Your characters just have to end up in one. It's a thing
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Still though, must be nice to kiss and touch and lie holding someone who could give a fuck about all that. Who isn't going to be telling stories to anyone. Who just sees you, the person and deals with you as only that person. Who you are to them. Not who you were to your company or the scene or could be to their business. Totally new for Sean. And the idea that you could interact with someone, where neither of you really had another motive. That someone would be with you and not be selfish (because of course if you were hanging out with Sean you would be selfish, you already know what he's getting out of it--mooching off of you--and you want something in return. It's always give and take, Sean just finds a way to take more and get out quickly) is (a) kind of stupid you think at first and then (b) kind of...good...maybe amazing and then (c) a mind warp drug because you find yourself doing things for them for no reason at all, for no motive, and that's not how you act if you're Sean.
Because when you're Sean, you have no back-up plan, you're living your backup plan, you're only around for as long as the good thing about right now lasts and then you'll move onto another (because if all you have to offer is your mind and that unlike a reputation can't be besmirched, or a license cancelled, or contacts messed up, then you can do whatever you like and burn your way through things). So everything you do right now, like with pool, you can see all the angles to it. And you're sure you can work it to your favor. There's no time to cool down, no time to settle in, and no one you want to take with you to wherever you go next. Partying and being brilliant is your job, and you're always working.
I think Eduardo helps him to shed those skins for a while, cause Eduardo doesn't want the party and isn't looking for any brilliant tips, he just wants the guy for the moment. And Sean starts to figure out where Sean the person begins and SEAN(TM) ends.
My thoughts! Keep talking, I love your thoughts on this. :) (And Eduardo gets a space, where no pressure, no expectations. Sean doesn't need him to anticipate anything and give it or to be any version of himself or live up to anything. Sean is pretty accepting of people, cause he's very much a cut your losses guy so he doesn't need people to change for him. But Sean really appreciates who Eduardo is--all those little things he does, just because that's how he feels or thinks. And you're right, Eduardo can be burning mad and pissed and scream and vent, because that's what people do to Sean 90% of the time. (Kind of. In the End, or the middle, whatever, Sean's not into specifics, except when he is.) And Sean kind of loves it, it turns him on, because yeah he's been mad and pissed off and fucked over and omg he loves honesty. When people put it out there and say what they feel and no subterfuge and no games, so Sean doesn't need to be paranoid. So he knows what's up and he doesn't need to check for the 2, 3, 5 traps they're laying for him.
It's totally the Mona Lisa fic. It's right down your street and it only comes along once in lifetime, and Sean is not an idiot. Sean knows when shit is worth something, and he knows what to do with that. He knows how to prioritize. It's just the first time a person is sliding to the top of his priority list. You know, maybe even above himself. I'm sure he has a lot of moneys of 'how the fuck did that happen, what are you putting in the water, and then, who made you, seriously? What planet manufactured you'
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