Fic Recs: rare pairing links of all shapes & sizes

Sep 29, 2011 15:55

I thought I'd celebrate the excitement of having organized, un-censored, un-FUCKED WITH bookmarks (and a bookmarks network!) again with some rare pairing recs. [When I finish cleaning them up, I'll export and upload to Diigo for my backup.]

Here be fun shit you probably didn't even know you wanted.

Bunny by Chaos and Raven {8 Mile - Rabbit/Future}
(2,100 words) They set up house together. It's subtle and sweet.

Non Sequitur by puritybrown {Askewniverse - Hooper X/Banky Edwards}
(2,238 words) A coda to 'Chasing Amy', set before 'Jay & Bob Strikes Back'. Good voices. It's them and it works and I totally believe this is how it happened.

Cops and Graverobbers by minim_calibre (Supernatural - Victor Henricksen/Dean Winchester)
(7,300 words) Set at the tail end of S2. "One's a smart, competent, sensible and cynical federal agent. The other's a wanted felon. Together, they fight crime."

We’ll Burn Our Bridges After Us As We Go by misswinterhill {Merlin - Arthur/Percival, Merlin/Gwaine}
(7,100 words) Post S3. “Percival thinks he understands what it means to love Arthur. “ // This was really interesting. I enjoyed reading from Percival’s POV, since he’s still such a minor character but will possibly feature more heavily next season. His dynamic view of Merlin was the real draw of this fic for me, though the Arthur/Percival pairing worked for me much better than I expected.

Shrink Rays by entangled_now {Doctor Horrible/Captain Hammer}
(6,900 words) “The percentage of previous flawless plans that Captain Hammer had managed to derail into flames, mayhem and chaos was annoyingly high.” Insanely, illegally cute. Fun, inventive adventure. Also, the characterizations are great!

Echoes in a Lonely World by etothepii {Doctor Horrible - Horrible/Hammer}
(8,696 words) This was a joy to read. "Dr. Horrible carries his device (it doesn’t have a name yet, but he’s been mentally referring to it as "That Empathy Thing") with him on heists for a week and a half before Captain Hammer finally shows up."

All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues by randomeliza {Good Omens/Alias - Adam Young/Julian Sark}
(5,900 words) "Curiosity is a valuable and dangerous thing, young Mr. Sark," Morningstar says with a smile. // In which Sark from 'Alias' finds Lower Tadfield. I loved this.

Issue Fifty by addictedkitten {Alias/The OC - Sark/Seth}
(10,500 words) "You're more the supervillain type, okay. I'm down with that." // Sark from 'Alias' and Seth Cohen from 'The OC' are trapped together on one of those tiny planes flying from LA to Santa Barbara. And they end up flirting and having occasional hot sex. Itisawesome. 3 parts, links at bottom of each post.

Sweet and Sour by Vic {CSI - Nick/Hodges}
(35,500 words) Post "Grave Danger", S5 finale. "David Hodges knew the old Nick Stokes was in there somewhere. In the meantime, he could make do with what he had. Then things start going right, and that's when the real trouble begins." A surprisingly believable romance develops between Nick and Hodges. I liked the character that the author fleshed out for Hodges (at a time when he was a minor character on the show that we still didn't know much about).

O Captain, My Captain by novembersmith {Temeraire Novels - Laurence/Temeraire}
(4,500 words) Temeraire discovers a magic artifact which allows him to change from dragon to human. Both adorableness & sexytimes ensue, obviously. // Because I was already shipping this pairing hardcore by the end of Bk 1. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE SPECIES THING THAT IS WHAT MAGIC IS FOR :D

Most Likely To by Kaneko - {Breakfast Club - John Bender/Brian Johnson}
(8,100 words) Brian over the years after graduation. Believable and engaging, with a satisfying happy ending. “If there had been gossip after the reunion, Brian's life might have looked something like this.”

Higher Education by resonant {The Breakfast Club - Bender/Brian}
(14,000 words) The one where Bender drops out and finally grows into John. And somewhere in the middle of that he ends up dating Brian. | "While it was happening, it was all nerve endings and gasping breaths and too fast to think. Afterwards he had a surge of adrenaline, like he'd had the time he car-surfed on the hood of Mitchell's Mustang all the way up Dempster and taken a flying leap onto the guardrail. Cheated death, fucked the rules, grabbed what he wanted, won! because assholes like his old man would beat the shit out of somebody for even suggesting this, but he could have it. And survive."

How endlessly you fall (you'll get up again) by Hecate {Lost Girl - Kenzi/Liam}
(2,800 words) "Hey," she says, and his grin flickers before growing wider. A point for her and the dead brother then. (post S1's "Fae Day") // Great follow up to a good Kenzi episode. It makes me wish they'd gone down this path on the show. Missed opportunity.

Just Want You Back for Good by hollycomb {SPN - Ghostfacers Ed Zeddmore/Alan Corbett }
(24,000 words) Random Ghostfacers slash is an awesome thing .“AU of 3.13 -- Corbett didn't really die, Daggett's ghost just wanted the team to think that he had. Now Ed has to deal with his obsession with Corbett's safety, post-Morton house. “ // A really neat expansion of canon. I loved how all the characters were fleshed out.

Blasphemy by cruisedirector {The Prophecy - Lucifer/Thomas}
(4,238 words) A coda to the film. In which Lucifer pays Thomas Daggett a visit post-movie and they both get more than they bargained for. "The Devil could wield no power over those who denied him; he could not enter their rooms, nor their hearts. Yet even as a boy, Thomas had recognized his own weakness. He wanted to see the Devil. He was afraid the Devil might be hiding under his bed because he had imagined him there."

The Trust of a Bonding by Kim V. Wylie {Star Trek: TOS - McCoy/Vulcan OMC}
(92,000 words) Older Trek story. McCoy accepts a research grant to find a cure for a deadly Vulcan disease, ends up hooking up with a Vulcan, and almost starts a galactic war. This is very much a case-fic -- mostly medical case-fic with a side of espionage. I usually don't warm to OCs and won't even read fic where they're prominent, but I loved the concept of McCoy of all people falling for a Vulcan. The relationship is built up very slowly and the plot was original. The science stuff can be pretty dense, but I was invested enough in the characters that I could plod through it until the happy ending. I just couldn't stop because I needed to see these two finally work it out. I also enjoyed how Spock & McCoy's relationship changed. YMMV.

Voluntary Motion by moon_custafer {Deadwood - Doc/Jewel}
(7,600 words) Post Season 1. Great character stuff. Doc and Jewel are well done of course (and very endearing), but there are also good side bits of Trixie, Johnny, Dan, and Al. Excellent characterizations. Makes me wish there was more 'Deadwood' fic.

Hoahanau by queenklu {Hawaii 5-0 - Chin/Kono, implied Steve/Danny}
(4,600 words) The one where Chin and Kono are friends since childhood whose families were almost as close as blood. And then they realize they're in love. // Really fantastic Kono voice and backstory for Kono and Chin. Normally I'm like "whatever" about cousin pairings because I've read too much Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer etc. to consider it taboo. But making them not related in this story served a real purpose and the story was more beautiful for it.

Toxicology by one-windiga {Sherlock - John Watson/Jim Moriarty}
(13,900 words) "Sherlock breaks John's heart. Moriarty is there to pick up the pieces and introduce John to the London criminal underground." // It was fun to see the usual narrative turned around, with John at Moriarty's side of the battle. Obviously, the author had to do some characterization stretching. but still, making a rare pairing that shouldn't work kind of... work is neat.

This entry was originally posted at There are


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