Being Human US 1x7 review

Mar 01, 2011 02:16

Some notes on the new Being Human. per usual, emphasis on Bishop/Aidan.

oh, BISHOP. MY HEART. The episode starts with him playing tough in front of Aidan, refusing to condemn Marcus' actions and pretending like he'd do nothing about it -- and then, of course, he goes and gives Marcus a little verbal bitchslap and tells him it's enough. OH ADIAN, IT IS SO SAD THAT YOU DO NOT SEE HOW MUCH HE LOVES YOOOOOOOOOOU.

And course Marcus is obsessively jealous over Aidan, whining about how Bishop would never scold him about taking revenge on a werewolf, telling Aidan:"He'd never want me to mess with his little princess pet. Bishop would never let me do what I truly want to do with you. " (hmm, makes me ponder how much Bishop has likely been protecting Aidan as he sulks & rebels. it can't only be Marcus who's sick of him.)

I am amused at [a] how it's completely understood that if Marcus killed Aidan he'd be totally fucked and [b] how Bishop's jab that Aidan wouldn't get himself into that situation was not a denial at all about the double standard.

And Bishop SO HAPPY when Aidan visits. (his FACE when Marcus mouths off to Aidan again when he had started with a conciliatory "Aidan--" LOL. He's like, goddamn it. BISHOP'S LIFE IS SO HARD, YOU GUYS.) And calling Marcus a "mistake" after calling Aidan "weak". I love how Bishop will not relinquish the idea that Aidan is family.

In other news, I actually liked Josh's family subplot very much. This is the first episode where I was really interested in all his scenes. The garlic reaction scene was lolarious. And then the monologue from Aidan about the consequences of Josh's family accepting the wolf into their home was excellent. I loved how the poignant tale becomes ultimately chilling.

This was a very good episode for Josh&Aidan... but the emotion and deep affection behind the Josh/Aidan friendship just still doesn't feel as intense for me as it was for S1 George/Mitchell (they keep saying they're friends, but I want more little genuine friend moments between them to invest in; I want to see more of them feeling comfortable, bonding, and sincerely enjoying each others' company).

I liked the twist that Bridget in the end stuck with Danny. It's easier to commiserate and bond with the living -- Danny is right there and (to Bridget) Sally is gone. I find that reaction pretty believable. Bridget wants to believe Danny. The alternative is too disturbing and it would complicate her life.

Those last moments, with Marcus sitting in a room of vampire cocoons, was completely new and damn exciting. The show definitely looks to be coming into its own.

fandom:being.human, episode_review

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