Lafayette is my pretty much my hero.
Jason continues to be just the right amount of consistent fail. When he told the girls he was imagining them with bullets through their skulls? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Pam had some great moments. I think I read that she'll be getting more screen time this season, which makes me crazy happy.
Jessica really sucks at hiding bodies, for a vampire. You'd think that would be one of those intrinsic, inherited skills for the species. right?
The scene with the queen and Eric, doing their little song & dance of horror! gasp! in front of the magistrate? heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I want to care about Sam's plotline. But I really just... don't.
Dear Tara,
Why are you trying to kill yourself over this guy you seriously did not really know? I mean, okay your life sucks. This, I will agree with. That is TRUFAX, my dear. (it is also SILVIA TRUTH that you need to go find Sam and have hot, despondent sex with him asap because you both are waaaaaaaay more interesting together. you were the only couple of S1 that I liked!) But I just do not even get why you're going all blank pages Bella Swan over Eggs when 90% of your interaction with him was when you were possessed or high. Also: he has a fucking ridiculous name. Something HAD to be done.
There was A LOT of naked man on my screen tonight. yikes! AT LEAST NO WANG PRESENTED ITSELF. I support the needs of all you hetro ladies out there, don't get me wrong. ;) Just sayin' -- I couldn't even properly enjoy the titillation I got, such was my crippling fear of more man butt and man chest and Bill Compton. um. in general. (yeah, I watch porn, porn of all sorts. but somehow it's different! I'm expecting it there! I have to be prepared, and put it in the proper framework!)
dear True Blood,
this is gonna be like The Disapproving Ghost of Edward Cullen x eleventy, isn't it? We've finally got an excellent excuse for a total absence of Bill and you're gonna give me minute by minute of his daring escapades on the lam. *headdesk*
no luv,
P.S. the Bill/Sam ~seduction scene~? and Sam like, "THANK YOU FOR THAT." ahahahahahaha forever. ♥