"So what are we, just three losers screwing each other forever?
Or are we something better than that?"-- Cook
"I think I've lost him." -- Freddie
Rewatched some Skins Season Three today and remembered all the reasons I adore my other OT3 ship. Best friends since childhood with serious homoerotic tension fall for the same girl. Chaos ensues. Skins, I will never forgive you for dropping the ball on this one!
Things I enjoyed once again today--
Avalanche by likecharity [Cook/Freddie/Effy] (6,500 words) This is the most absolutely perfect coda to 3x5 "Freddie". Freddie POV, including hot sexin' and amazing characterizations. guh. Feels like a seamless extension of canon. This is what should have happened. This is what DID HAPPEN in a tiiiiny bit alternate universe.
Heart Skipped a Beat {Freddie/Cook; Freddie/Cook/Effy} [Footage through S4 finale] Everything about this is just yes, yes, yes. The longing, the regret, the intensity. Things like this make me sadly sure that it would have eventually worked out.
Kiss Kiss {Cook->Freddie->Effy->Cook} Episodes 3.01-3.05. In which the subtext is rapidly becoming text. "We're three in the dark tonight." A perfect triangle has three equal sides.
Broken {Freddie/Cook} Footage thru S4 finale. So, you know, just go and tear my heart out. I wasn't really using it anyway. Thanks! The perfect Cook/Freddie flailing wallow vid. The love just bleeds off the screen. Absolutely beautiful, ultimately tragic. Just like them.
I Wanna {Freddie/Cook} Through 4x5, a much more cheerful rendition of the pairing. true true love, damn it!
Dizzy {Cook->Freddie->Effy->Cook} [Through S4, but not those last couple episodes.] 'this must be how it feels' Navigating the emotional twists and turns of the deliciously dysfunctional Freddie/Cook, Freddie/Effy, Cook/Effy triangle.