Star Trek: TOS Kirk/Spock Recs

Jun 17, 2009 06:19

In my continued mission to seek out K/S life and boldly go where new fangirls have not yet gone before... Not as many links as last time, but quite a few are long fics.

Note: I’ve previously posted TOS K/S recs here and here.

So Be It {Star Trek XI/TOS crossover}
(9,700 words) TOS!Kirk (on the Farragut at this point - as he didn't get promoted until later in life) gets into one of those troublesome ion storms and switches places with the Reboot!Kirk. All from TOS!Kirk's POV, as he finds that suddenly he's captain of the Enterprise, working with an unusual Vulcan, and everyone's rather lax with regulations.

For the First Time by Sahsheer
(23,700 words) During 'This Side of Paradise' Spock was all pollen drugged & wacky and said it was the first time he’d ever been truly happy. In this episode coda Kirk invites himself along to a computer seminar Spock is attending and causes a series of hilariously horrible events while attempting to bond with Spock. Worst attempt at bringing joy into someone's life EVER. K&S Friendship fic.

The Force of Habit by Anna Amuse
(5,900 words) YES. THIS. Moments of Kirk & Spock during the 5 year mission. (series only - no movies) | “Mr. Spock,” Kirk interrupted him resolutely. But his official command demeanor was faltered beyond hope by what the other’s gaze was telling him. He sighed. “Damn. I believe you have come to know me entirely too well.” Spock raised an eyebrow. “Was that not an expected outcome?” “No,” Kirk shook his head with conviction. “You didn’t come with warnings attached.” Spock didn’t look away. Quietly, he amended, “Neither did you.”

In the End It's Easy by Anna Amuse
(3.200 words) 'But what you feared so much comes easy.' Injured, emo!Spock. Kirk POV. Schmoop, but of the new school variety. "Bigotry, envy, prejudice, personal vengeance. You think that you’re getting tired of watching people throwing their own complexes at him. You’re asking yourself how much more of this either of you can endure."

Four Times Kirk Noticed Spock And One Time Aliens Made Him Do Something About It (Sort Of)
(5,300 words) Takes us from the start of Kirk & Spock's working relationship and weaves them together over a series of missions. "It was as if Spock's features had been rearranged, subtly, so that instead of looking strange and alien and Vulcan, they resembled a work of complex engineering, as if each part could not fit together better in any other way. His tilted eyebrows, his sharp nose, the straight line of his mouth, all of them working together to make up Spock. And once he saw it, Jim couldn't unsee it."

Binary Genders
(17,000 words) Spock is turned into a girl. Typical genderswap hijinks ensue. It has a romantic-comedy vibe, so definitely a different flavor than the usual TOS K/S. That will likely alienate some and appeal to others.

Letters by JackHawksmoor
(4,200 words) Letter writing. Mind-meld-y stuff. Good characterizations. "It was unintentional." He said quietly. " I merely need to remain...on guard." "On....guard." Kirk repeated doubtfully.

Sharing the Sunlight by Jenna Sinclair
(170,800 words) A novel set at the tail end of Season 3. In the midst of a murder mystery, Kirk & Spock’s friendship deepens into something they find harder and harder to define. A flu epidemic hits the Enterprise and uncovers evidence of covert drug smuggling, followed by murder, political maneuvering, and xenophobia. Warning for lots and lots of schmoop. (Which admittedly normally turns me off, but I drove into this when I’d just had a run of several bad fics in a row and it was nice to read one with no self-hatred, obsessive repression, or sexual hang ups. So this could make a good palate cleanser. Plus, decent plot and attention to supporting characters.)

Dawn by Jenna Hilary Sinclair
(6,600 words) Search For Spock movie!fic. Spock slowly comes back to himself after the fal-tor-pan. “I have a body again. My awareness explodes as I feel arms, legs, the ambient temperature, the pull of gravity. I have not had a body for. . . . Frustration, because I cannot calculate the time. I know, without any doubt, that I should be able to make such an estimation. But I cannot reach that far back into the shadowy roiling."

Like A Tear Cast In Stone
(6,800 words) Interesting Outsider POV with layered characterization. A Vulcan woman recently posted to the Enterprise has difficulty accepting human behavior and disapproves of Spock’s rejection of Vulcan values. I liked this examination of Vulcan ridgity & cultural isolationism, as well as the growing gray areas for a new generation. Set Post-Star Trek: The Motion Picture (ST:TMP). Established K/S.

A Time to Receive by Debbie Cummins
(9,800 words) Post- 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture'. Nostalgia, memories, healing old wounds. "One year after the V'ger mission Kirk and Spock travel to Iowa for the holidays". Established K/S.

A Light in the Darkness by Debbie Cummins
(38,000 words) Kirk, Spock, and McCoy end up stranded and separated during shore leave when a huge fire spreads through the mountains. Established K/S.

And In the Darkness Bind You... by Greywolf the Wanderer
(21,200 words) Set during “Operation: Annihilate!". Spock faces the realities of life without sight. I liked this Spock characterization - very capable, sensible; it felt like him. “I lean forward, pick up my tools, and concentrate. After a time I am able to summon a mental image of the terminal's interior. I orient myself by touch and resume my work, careful to avoid the power sink, which can deliver a dangerous shock even with the terminal disconnected. It is gratifying to note that despite my continued exhaustion, my hands are quite steady. This, at least, is still as it should be. I could order this done, of course. I have that right. Any of my subordinates would be capable. Many would consider it an honor. But I intend to do this for myself.”

Beyond the Barrier
(24,300 words) Set after the 1st Star Trek movie (ST: TMP) and reads like a probable movie sequel with established K/S (pretty probable to me, as TMP is blatantly K/S imo). “How can your mind--any mind--make any type of contact with that? You'll go mad.” It was the expression of his worst fears, but he had already faced it. Another scene came to mind--the flashing of incredible light, the sights of whole planets, systems encapsulated into some other-dimensional place; the face of the Ilia-construct before him. And he had reached out. Touched the mind of V'ger. And survived. Sane. Perhaps it was false pride that made him think he could do it again. Touch the face of the unknown, not once but many times. The Terrans had legends for it... warnings of dire punishments for those who sought into forbidden places, dared attain knowledge not meant for them.

In the Season of Renewal
(19,500 words) As their 5 year mission comes to a close, Kirk & Spock are finding themselves at loose ends and uncertain of the future. Kirk finds direction as he returns to Earth to oversee his mother’s funeral.

Lost Sailor by Greywolf the Wanderer
(14,200 words) One of those post-'Amok Time' stories where the Pon Farr was only delayed, and it's fuck Kirk or die time, except in this one there's lots of H/C but no sex. Would likely appeal only if you’re into self-sacrificing!Spock and hurt/comfort.

Pacing the Cage by Jenna Hilary Sinclair
(46,200 words) Kind of a classic slash plot, and it's not done poorly. After sublimating his feelings for Kirk for years, when their five year mission is over Spock meets a Vulcan woman while he and Kirk are on Earth -- a not-unappealing woman who is interested in joining with Spock in Vulcan marriage, while very human Kirk has acquired yet another girlfriend. It's time for decisions: who does Spock want to be and what path will he walk?

Trying Times by Elise Madrid
(16,500 words) Set post-Turnabout Intruder. Kirk and Spock have finally decided to stop dancing around each other and get together, but the universe keeps conspiring against them. Their thinly veiled flirting is pretty much in line with how canon TOS!Kirk rolls. “I, uh, yes, she came to my room,” Kirk hesitantly answered. “She wanted to thank me for helping her.” “I understand.” Kirk looked at him with a mixture of hope and disbelief. “Do you?” “Capt-, Jim, I realize there will still be times when interaction with those you were previously involved with will be inevitable.” He lifted an eyebrow. “There are, after all, quite a number.”

fandom:star.trek, rec

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