(no subject)

Mar 12, 2009 21:55

I'm really very late about posting my reactions for the last three Skins episodes. Because I suck. Clearly.

What I've been doing instead is fucking around with my Delicious bookmarks, and they continue to make me very very cranky with their lopsidedness.
for example->
The types balance is pretty much correct.
Slash: 1,079
Het: 356
Gen: 145
But pairings? um, NO.
Jack/Ianto: 294
McKay/Sheppard: 294 (yes, for real a tie.)
Popslash: 150
Sam/Dean: 107
Harry/Draco: 77
Merlin/Arthur: 65
Eric (E)/Vince: 43
The Doctor/Rose: 40
Harry/Snape: 43
Clark/Lex: 39
Spike/Buffy: 30
Jack/Daniel: 26
Ray K/Fraser: 35
Ray V/Fraser: 20
Daniel/Cameron Mitchell: 25
Daniel/Vala: 23
Jim/Blair: 23
Rodney/Ronon: 20
Dan/Casey: 20
a whole bunch more at >20 each... (I cannot believe I have only a handful of Brian Kinney/Justin Taylor bookmarks, wtf? I mean, I'm crazy picky for that pairing but STILL.)

There needs to be a fannish place for delicious exchanges! Like, BDSM Novella Loving Fan seeks account with tons of Syndey/Sark and Obi Wan/Qui Gon. Can offer: 50 Jayne/Simon, 100 Spike/Xander, 300 Buffy/Spike, and 300 Ray K/Fraser.

I'm just thinking that other people have the same problem - the breakdown of your delicious tags reflects partially your taste but also what fandoms you were heavily involved with when you first started saving. Also, you're probably an expert at finding good fic for certain fandoms but would have no idea where to look for other shows. (okay, and yeah it's also maybe that for some pairings you will read absolute trash and for others you live and die for characterization.)

But likely this only sounds perfect, and I am assuming that everyone uses Delicious now, because I am on my 3rd mug of coffee in the last two hours and I barely slept last night.
um. yes. That could be so. ;) However, I'm actually really curious about other people's bookmarks -- how does your breakdown go? What's are your top 10 pairings by bookmark volume, and how does that compare with your actual all-time favorite pairings?
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