Supernatural babblings

Mar 09, 2009 21:41

So, I haven't watched Supernatural with intent, fannish regularity since the finale of Season 1. I'd miss episodes, I'd keep going--it happens. Whatever. But lately they've been hitting my kinks, my special story buttons, so I pulled down my few missing S3 episodes and caught up on every S4 episode, and what is very much striking me?

All through Season 1, I was completely and utterly Team Dean (in that way that if I had somehow magically appeared in the SPN 'verse my first act would have been to punch Sam in the face and then order him to make his brother some cookies and give him hugs and swear to never ever leave him again as long as they both shall live. and then I'd probably have punched him again.)

But now, circa Season 4, all I want to do is pet Sam's hair and tell Dean to leave him the fuck alone.

I have never had this kind of character empathy reversal in a fandom. It's rather odd.

Also: I'm very much not familiar with the current 'tudes of the SPN fandom, but I'm guessing it's an Unpopular Fannish Opinion to love Ruby like burning. but, you know. I do. And since Sam is obviously not going to be allowed to lay any boys on the show, and the Powers That Be will require that he get laid (to show us how v. v. straight and non-incesty the Winchesters are), there is no character I would rather he have hot hot sex with than Ruby. Though, actually, Ruby and Sam as non-sexual BBF would please me equally. Team Demon all the way. Because, seriously, I didn't buy Willow's "magic addiction" on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and so I will never buy that whole "using totally helpful psychic powers to save lives is big time evil" thing on SPN. LAME.

Plus, labeling some person (aka Ruby) as a 'Other' and this type of 'Other' as automatically 'Evil', which therefore means they are worthless, disposable, and deserve whatever violence/rage/emotional abuse you feel like vomiting up? Squicks me the fuck out, because it's reminiscent of way too many ugly things about humanity. The allusions really gross me out. Pluuuuus, I just really like demons. In general.

dear dean,
once you stop eating the flesh of sentient, innocent creatures that a lived short, tortured existence before being murdered to feed you (despite the fact that you could choose to subsist on something else), THEN you can start throwing the first stone about those bodies Ruby actually requires to, you know, exist on this plane of existence and not in hell aka somewhere you really fucking hated a lot. (I mean, I still love you. and you deserve to be saved, okay?! Just, you know. I eat some dead animal too, but I own my faults and do not judge.)

thus, to sum up: S1 Dean>S4 Sam>S4 Dean>S1 Sam>.


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